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Approaching The Bible

The reason many struggle with understanding the Bible is they approach it as another textbook. It is not a textbook, nor is it some manual for life; even though, its pages are filled with life. When you treat the Bible as a textbook, you will tend to apply natural reason, when it is something that requires the Holy Spirit to understand. In order to gain understanding, the approach must be relational. There are numerous messages found in its pages that are tailor made for the Church. Each individual is to have a unique relationship with God, which also means He desires to reveal Scripture to each individual uniquely. That does not mean He intends to have a bunch of strange doctrines floating around in the Church. After all, there is only one doctrine of Christ. It means He will teach you according to your design, and in turn, fold each individual’s learning into one. Thereby, bringing instruction and growth to the Body of Christ, using each part to make the whole. No one individual will know the entirety of the Word, but through body ministry, each will contribute what the Lord has revealed.

Since the Bible is a relational book, unlocking its secrets requires a relationship. Before going further, take it to heart that if you want to understand it, you must spend time with Him. It will not work well for you otherwise. That being said, we need to eliminate a myth. That myth says, “Only a few are intended to grasp its contents. Only the scholars can get it.” Phooey! In one sense, only a few will grasp it contents, but the few refer to the chosen. Just as Jesus said, “Many are called, but few are chosen” (see Matthew 20:16; 22:14). Everyone can be chosen if they make the decision. God is a Respecter of none. By the way, if you decide to study the Word in earnest, consider yourself a scholar. The more you dig, the more you will gain. The less you dig, the less you will gain. The Father wants you to know His Word. Think of it as treasure hunt. He has hidden all kinds of precious jewels for you to find, and He wants you to find them. In fact, He helps you find them. Enter the Holy Spirit. Step one, spend time with Him. Step two, believe He wants you to know and understand His Word. He wants you to know Him, so the Lord uses Scripture as part of the journey.

Step three: place Him as your Teacher. Do not put man in front of God when it comes to learning. Yes, Jesus has given us teachers to edify the Body. Their job is to help others grow in the Word (see Ephesians 4:11-13). Nonetheless, teachers need the Holy Spirit to properly instruct. Part of helping people mature is pointing them to Jesus and helping them learn from the Holy Spirit. In truth the Holy Spirit teaches through teachers. A good teacher is yielded to the Holy Spirit and relies on Him for understanding. Nonetheless, fellowship serves as a safety net as well.

When we gather together to share with one another what the Lord has revealed, He will also use each member to help bring clarity. Again, no single individual knows it all, contrary to what some might believe about himself or herself. So yes, we need to allow the Holy Spirit to use others to instruct us, but we must give Him first place.

The Lord has given us the anointing or unction to discern truth (see 1John 2:20, 27). That is why “bells and whistles” go off when we hear something that is not from God. It is also where we find peace when it is from Him. There has to be a willingness to listen to the Holy Spirit if the anointing is to serve you well. This is especially true when you hear something for the first time. That unction will also let you know to whom you should listen and whom to avoid. Here’s a word of caution. We cannot afford to gather teachers to scratch itching ears. We must be willing to receive correction. If you ask the Father to correct you in Scripture, He may send someone to do just that. There’s a possibility you won’t like it, but if it’s the truth, don’t reject it. At the same time, He may send someone to confirm what you learned to be true. God is faithful!

Here’s a scenario to help. Picture yourself sitting in the Father’s lap while you are reading the Bible. See yourself enjoying His presence as He reveals Himself to you through the pages. Like a small child sitting in his or her loving daddy’s lap, while listening to him read. Listen for His voice as you read the pages. Watch the revelation flow.

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