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By July 26, 2015No Comments

Transcendence is a noun that means existence or experience beyond the normal or physical level. It is the quality or state of being transcendent, which means exceeding usual limits, or extending or lying beyond the limits of ordinary experience.

Those who want to experience a transcendent lifestyle on their own terms will never realize those desires on the highest plain possible. As long as they attempt to define and control the meaning of spirituality, they will never truly become spiritual. For something to be spiritual, it requires the Holy Spirit. Simple enough.

You would be surprised how many Christians strive for excellence in life, but fail to included the Spirit, and wonder why their efforts are abysmal. Sure, there are those who seem to accomplish great things in life; nonetheless, their level of satisfaction drops quickly after they reach their goals. Why? Because they do not know the meaning of contentment. Their worth is wrapped in their accomplishments. Basically, they want the credit, which means they’re looking to glorify themselves. God’s peace rests on those whose minds are set on Him. As long as one tries to look good, he or she will not experience the peace that surpasses understanding. Isaiah 26:3 You will keep him in perfect peace, whose mind is stayed on You: because he trusts in You.

Putting your trust in yourself or your own abilities will not empower you to walk in peace. People disqualify themselves to do great things in the kingdom of God by acting on their own. Excellence will only be equal to human abilities. Keep in mind that even those things most consider natural can exceed expectations if people would included God in their day to day life. For example, a person can try to climb the company ladder, only to be frustrated when his efforts don’t pay off. Promotion comes from above and that includes the placement of employment. You can promote yourself or you can promote God. A true promotion is receiving the position God desires you to have, versus the one we think we should have. Remember, God gives good gifts, and He rewards the faithful. How you get where you’re going will determine the quality of your destination.

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