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Bible StudiesChristianFaithThe Perfect Faith Podcast

Freedom from Manipulation (Part Two)

By April 17, 2016April 28th, 2024No Comments
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Being disciples of Jesus Christ has innumerable advantages.  One is we don’t have to go it alone.  As a matter of fact, we are implored not to be independent.  Freedom from manipulation may come much easier than some realize.  As mentioned before, being sensitive to the Holy Spirit is crucial.  The manifestation of the Holy Spirit found in 1 Corinthians 12:7-12 goes a long way in this.

The Holy Spirit is the Gift, and the things listed are some of the ways He manifests in the believer. 

The word of wisdom; word of knowledge; faith, gifts of healing; working of miracles; prophecy; discerning of spirits; tongues and interpretation of tongues, are all designed to operate through the believer at the proper time.  They are not separate gifts as some suppose.  Keep in mind that 1 Corinthians 12-14 explains how these work in a church setting; it is not limiting believers to any one area.  For example, one believes he has “the gift of prophecy”; whereas, another has the word of wisdom as his “gift.”  These passages of Scripture reveal a certain order to a public service in order to eliminate confusion.  Note that 1 Corinthians 12:7 uses the singular form of manifestation; not manifestations (plural).   That means all of them are supposed operate in one believer, similar to “the fruit of the Spirit” found in Galatians 5:22.  We cannot pick and choose which fruit we like; they’re all one complete package.  Likewise, the Holy Spirit manifests in us as He desires.

That being said, some have a misconception concerning discerning of spirits (verse 10).  They tend to limit it to determining what kind of spirit one is dealing with (i.e., an angel or demon; spirit of fear or an unclean spirit, and so on).  However, it actually is more far reaching than this; it also reveals the heart of people.  The word “spirit” likewise refers to attitudes and motives, besides spirit entities.  That means the Holy Spirit can reveal whatever is behind what is said, done or given, in this way.  He may also use the word of knowledge to give specifics, or perhaps the word of wisdom to explain how to handle the situation confronting us.

By walking in the Spirit, you do not have to spend your life being suspicious of people. 

By living life this way, you actually allow the peace of God to rule in your heart while navigating through it.  It frees you up to love people well; while living with constant suspicion does not.  It affords you the ability to give people the benefit of the doubt and to allow for change in others, as God works in their life.  Should the need arise, the Holy Spirit will warn you to steer clear of coming manipulation.  You simply have to stay open to Him.