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Humility or Self-loathing?

By November 13, 2016No Comments

Everyone has been knit together in the womb by same One who created the universe.  Each has been created in His image.  This simple truth alone should affirm each and every individual on the planet; but instead, the majority has no clue because their identity has been stolen.  They don’t know who they are meant to be, and have become shortsighted.  That is to say, they see things from a corrupt point of view.  Even a number of those who are in Jesus Christ are filled with self-loathing, because they fail to see any value in themselves.  Some confuse this with humility.  In fact, they use humility as a mask to hide it.  In most cases, however, they are unaware of it.  Some of you have difficulty receiving love from others.  Have you ever wondered why?

True humility recognizes and receives who one is in Jesus Christ.  It will put others ahead of itself in order to honor them; self-loathing puts others first because it’s seeking value.  Love does for others purely for their sakes.  Self-loathing does for others out insecurity.  Perfect love casts out fear and fearlessly serves others.  The latter lives in fear of rejection, and therefore, does things for acceptance.  The truly humble will receive love and affirmation from others.  The self-loathers reject love and affirmation because they don’t love themselves the way God intended.  1 John 4:10-11 In this is love, not that we loved God, but that He loved us and sent His Son to be the propitiation concerning our sins.  Beloved, if God so loved us, we ought also to love one another.

Those who can never say “no”, especially when they should, are starving for love.  Because they don’t value themselves, they become needy. 

They can never do enough for someone else, because it never equates to the value they fail to see in themselves.  In their mind, doing equals worth.  This is one reason people are workaholics.  Their identity is tied up in performance.  If they don’t “work enough” -whatever that means, they are worthless in their opinion.  They have to work harder than others to feel any self-respect.  Performance does not equal value!  Until you love yourself the way God the Father does, you will be incapable of serving others.  At least, in a healthy manner.  “What do you mean, I’m always doing for others?”  Not if you’re seeking affirmation.  That’s not to say you don’t want them to benefit from your service.  It’s just more self-centered than you may realize.  Here’s a quick test to see if you’re truly serving others.  Do you require a “thank you?”  Do you get put off when someone is “ungrateful,” or doesn’t show enough gratitude?  Can you do something for another in secret?  If you answered “no” to these questions, your motives may not be as pure as you thought.

A good many are not living up to their full potential, nor enjoying the abundant life God intended for them because they don’t receive from others, much less God.  Their feelings of inadequacy prevent them from accepting things that may benefit them.  They will only receive the equivalent value of what they see in themselves. 

They sell themselves short, and fail to accept that they too can do well in life.  Because of their personal hypothesis, they go about “proving” their insignificance by sabotaging their lives.  For example, some destroy their financial well-being by making decisions they know full well will hurt them on the long run.  While some go in debt because they’re trying to comfort themselves through shopping with credit, others simply do it to punish themselves.  They don’t excel in life because they don’t feel worthy enough.  In many cases, it’s not a question of talent, it’s a question of personal worth.  In the Kingdom, the worthiness issue was settled by Jesus Christ – “Worthy is the Lamb!”  It is not about being worthy; it’s about love.  If you love God, you’ll walk worthy of your calling.  You’ll stop insulting Jesus.

Some use false piety to hide their self-loathing.  “I am so unworthy!”  How does that glorify God?  How is that humility?  Are you greater than God?  It’s a load of garbage.

If God made you worthy through Jesus Christ, how can you say you’re unworthy?  That’s not humility; that’s pride. 

Is it possible that some actually love to hate themselves?  Some of you received a lie in your heart long ago.  You’ve been repeating it ever since.  “You’re worthless!”  It’s time to change your confession.  You cannot confess Jesus Christ is Lord, and then contradict what He says about you.  Do you perhaps think it’s time to come into agreement with Him?  That’s what it means to confess –to agree.  Without conviction, words are empty.  For some, if you accept being worthy in the Father’s eyes, you’ll stop killing yourself by trying to prove you’re worthy.  You’ll be able to receive love because the self-loathing will be gone.  Receive this: be free of self-loathing in the Name of Jesus!

Psalms 139:13-18 For Thou didst form my inward parts: Thou didst cover me in my mother’s womb.  I will give thanks unto Thee; for I am fearfully and wonderfully made: Wonderful are Thy works; And that my soul knoweth right well.   My frame was not hidden from Thee, When I was made in secret, And curiously wrought in the lowest parts of the earth.  Thine eyes did see mine unformed substance; And in Thy book they were all written, Even the days that were ordained for me, When as yet there was none of them.  How precious also are Thy thoughts unto me, O God! How great is the sum of them!  If I should count them, they are more in number than the sand: When I awake, I am still with Thee.

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