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Kill the Questioning!

Questions can be beneficial when properly asked, or asked for the right reasons; but, what do we gain by questioning that leads to doubt or strife?  That sort leads to double-mindedness.  The deception in the Garden of Eden began with questioning: “Did God really say?”  The enemy still uses that ploy to divide people’s hearts and cause division in the Church.  Sometimes, we use it on ourselves.

“What if _?” is not your friend. 

This question has been responsible for more anxiety than you can shake a stick at.  It is a major part of the curriculum found in Fear 101.  It causes the imagination to spiral out of control.  How often have people become anxious over a perceived event that never happened?  One of the quickest ways to exit from the Secret Place of the Most High, which is a place of faith and peace, is to start asking, “What if _?”  “What if I’m missing God in this?”  “What if it happens again?”  “What if tomorrow never comes?”  Well, what if you did not miss God?  What if it doesn’t happen again?  What if God really does hold tomorrow?  Unless you really love living in fear, it’s time to kill that line of questioning.  A long while ago, I was playing the “What if” game in a certain scenario.  As my imagination started to run wild, anxiety began to rush in like a flood.  The Lord intervened and clearly said to me, “There’s no such thing as a what if!”  He shut that thing down right then and there.  By the way, the thing which I was starting to imagine never materialized.  Instead of saying, “What if,” try saying, “God is!”  Hebrews 11:6 And without faith it is impossible to please Him, for he who comes to God must believe that He is and that He is a rewarder of those who seek Him.  Perhaps, the out of bound questions should be the ones that generate fear, anxiety, and are completely opposed to faith and love.  In short, the ones that question God Himself.

Perhaps, asking “Who” is far better than asking “why.” 

We don’t always understand why we face certain circumstances, but that’s not requirement to trust God.  Who is with me is far more powerful than, “Why did this have to happen?”  Granted, certain why-questions can be beneficial when they are truly asked for insight.  This type is asking God for wisdom.  Things that bring clarity, and do not muddy the waters.  Typically, it is more of a what-question, i.e., “What was the cause?”  It has nothing to do with affixing blame, and has more to do with problem solving.  Why-questions tend to be from a victim-mentality.  A good question to ask ourselves would be, “Am I acting like a victim here, or am I asking from the standpoint of victory?”  Even should something devastating come our way, knowing God is ever with us is a major comfort based on confidence in Him.  Hebrews 13:5-6 Make sure that your character is free from the love of money, being content with what you have; for He Himself has said, “I will never desert you, nor will I ever forsake you,” so that we confidently say, “The Lord is my helper, I will not be afraid.  What will man do to me?”