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How often have you asked the Lord for an assignment of sorts?  “What do You want me to do?”  How many times have you tried to answer His call, “Whom shall I send, and who will go for Us?”  “Here am I. Send me” (Isaiah 6:8)!  Perhaps, the question to consider asking first is, “Who am I?”  Before trying to answer the call, “Send me,” maybe it would be better to say, “Conform me!”  Have you ever heard someone say, “They just don’t understand me?”  Some people demand to be understood by others.  Ironically, they don’t even understand themselves!  Consider this: if you don’t at least have an inkling of who you are in Jesus Christ, you’re not ready to go.  For those who have been frustrated about not being sent, you might find yourself far less discouraged if you focused on being conformed to the image of Jesus.  Embrace the process!

Empathy is important when trying to minister to others, therefore, it is necessary to be self-aware before being sent.  Not in the sense of self-diagnosis or going to a therapist; rather, allowing Holy Spirit to reveal your true nature in Jesus Christ.  If you’re not in a place where you love yourself as God loves you, you are not positioned to love others well.  Galatians 5:14 For the whole Law is fulfilled in one word, in the statement, “You shall love your neighbor as yourself.”

Knowing your design helps you “stay in your lane,” so to speak.  It will aid you in staying focused on your assignment, once you’ve received it.  In fact, there is a possibility of rejecting your calling if you are not aware of your purpose.  When some individuals see others fulfilling their assignments, they desire theirs instead of their own.  “I want to do that!”  “I wish I was them!”  Time out!  You need to understand your own importance to God.  Whatever assignment He has for you is vital to His Kingdom.  If it’s important to Him, you may want to make important to you.  If you are important to Him, and you are, then you are important!  Don’t get jealous or envious, He has plenty to go around.  One calling is no more important than another.  The fact you have a calling in itself should put a smile on your face.  Why?  Because your name is written in the Lamb’s Book of Life!

   Luke 10:19-20 Behold, I have given you authority to tread on serpents and scorpions, and over all the power of the enemy, and nothing will injure you. Nevertheless do not rejoice in this, that the spirits are subject to you, but rejoice that your names are recorded in heaven.”