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Secret Sauce

How do I change my life?  Have you ever asked yourself that question?  One thing should be clear to all of us is that we cannot change it on our own.  Philippians 1:6 For I am confident of this very thing, that He who began a good work in you will perfect it until the day of Christ Jesus (see also Ephesians 2:10).  Ultimately, God does the work; nevertheless, He has left a lot up to us as well.  Cooperation needs to take place.  In one sense, it is not automatic; and yet, we all experience changes we did not implement within ourselves.  We simply cannot explain them.  So, how do we change our lives?

The secret sauce: repentance.  It has been taught repentance is a change of direction.  That is to say, as are going one direction, we do an about face, and go the opposite way.  Acts gives us a picture of it when Saul (the Apostle Paul) first met Jesus: “. . . I am sending you, to open their eyes so that they may turn from darkness to light and from the dominion of Satan to God, that they may receive forgiveness of sins and an inheritance among those who have been sanctified by faith in Me” (Acts 26:17-18).  To a large degree, this is a true definition, but it does need refinement.  Repentance is not mere behavior modification; it is thought modification.  It means to change your mind or the way you think.  In short, to think differently.  True repentance means to conform to God’s way of thinking.  If you don’t think differently, you will remain in the same boat, going wherever the current takes you.  Some try to do the 180 degree pivot with some success; only to suddenly find themselves going back the other direction again.  They addressed the behavior, but did not address what was in their heart.  Until you thought differently about sin, did it ever occur to you to ask God for forgiveness and receive Jesus as your Lord and Savior?  Thank You, Holy Spirit!  John 16:8 And He (Holy Spirit), when He comes, will convict the world concerning sin and righteousness and judgment.  Even with His convicting or convincing you of your sin, you still had to come into agreement with Holy Spirit before you asked.

If you want to change your life, you need to agree with God.  Make the decision in your heart that He is right.  He is right, regardless of whether or not you think so!  In one sense, Adam and Eve actually had to make a decision to become sinners.  They were created righteous, but in essence, God gave them the decision to stay that way or rebel.  Similarly, you were born into sin.  Even though Jesus died and resurrected for your sins, so you could be righteous, it was not automatic.  You had to decide whether you were going to partake of His righteous nature.  No one gets highjacked into Heaven.  Likewise, if you don’t want to conform to the image of Jesus, you don’t have to.  The choice is yours.  Choose wisely!

While in the world, our thinking was corrupted.  By maintaining that way of thinking, we would continue in the same old life patterns.  If you think and do the same things, you will remain the same.  God’s grace empowers you to make the right decisions and choices.  It enables you to change your thought life.  It empowers you to change your life!  If you receive a bad report about yourself, you will tend to conform your life to what you believe.  However, if you believe what God actually does think about you, that will change.  You are designed a specific way, so conform to your design.  You’re not doomed to a miserable, unfulfilling lifestyle; unless you want to be.

This is huge: do not blame others for your plight in life.  Some people refuse to take responsibility for their own lives.  They still blame the devil, even though Jesus stripped him of his power (see Colossians 2:15).  Look, even if you had the worse parents on the planet or no parents at all, you can still become the best version of you possible.  You cannot keep blaming them or anyone else, if you decide not to change.  That’s on you.  If God is your Father, you have the Ultimate Parent Who can raise you above adversity.  In fact, He already gave you the victory through Jesus Christ.  If you made a bad decision that put you in a bad place, own it!  Don’t blame someone else.

Here are some reminders to help you change.  Number one: Spend time with God – lots of time!  Number two: spend time in your Bible every day.  These two actions alone will absolutely change your life.  Simple!  Number three: learn.  For example, if you don’t handle money well, learn from those who do.  Read, listen to audiobooks and so on.  Get educated.  Get the knowledge (the what), wisdom (the how) and understanding (the why).  In the case of finances, if you don’t have a proper grasp on them, you will be hard pressed to steward them well.  Change the way you think, and you will change the way you live.  Renew your mind!

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