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Identity Cannot be Earned

By November 4, 2018No Comments

Through various mediums such as self-help books, videos, blogs and the like, people seek to reinvent themselves.  They desire to create their own ideal identity.  Nothing wrong with trying learn from other people in order to improve; however, this way of doing things may cause them to miss the mark.  For one thing, the authors of such content are not the designers of one’s true identity.    How can anyone become their best version apart from the Designer?  This is not to take away from those who have gained insight from the Lord.  Secondly, who gets the glory for the success?  Some will give credit to those from whom they’ve learned.  “They changed my life!”  Yet, in the next breath, “I changed myself.”  Where is God in all of this?  Honestly, apart from God, no one comes into their true identity.  Pride prevents truth, though it may try to leverage it for self-gain and glory.  Remember the glory of man fades like a flower of grass but the Word of the Lord endures forever (see 1 Peter 1:24-25).

Identity cannot be earned; it’s given! If you’re a child of God, how did you become His child?  It was nothing you did, other than receive the adoption by grace through faith. There is no such thing as the “self-made” person.  Even your unique personality was given to you.  It is self-deception  to think otherwise.  Did any of you gain wealth or are in the process of building it?  Where did that ability to get it come from?  The creativity to write and create content was not self-induced either.  You get the point.  Much of those attempts to become someone else, or someone more, stems from the need for affirmation or significance.

The reason some obtain numerous goals, and still feel unfulfilled is because they are trying to fill a God-sized void.  It is only God Who is able to completely fill it.  The way for that to happen is simply surrendering to Him.  As long as someone sits on the fence in terms of surrendering to the Lordship of Jesus Christ, they will be hard-pressed to come into their full identity.  By receiving God’s affirmation, you will discover you are significant.