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In the Midst of the Storm

By November 18, 2018No Comments

In the midst of the storm, there can be chaos and confusion.  Everything looks bleak and impossible to overcome.  The inner turmoil tends to heighten because everything looks completely opposite of what is true.  In that place, the temptation is to cast away faith and hope, and to discard everything ever read in the Bible.  The storm appears to be more real than God, which makes it more difficult to believe His Word.  In short, focus on the storm, and faith and hope will diminish.  The place to be in the midst of the storm is the Word of God.  Pick it up and encourage yourself in the Lord!

Romans 14:4 For whatsoever things were written aforetime were written for our learning, that we through patience and comfort of the scriptures might have hope.

The storm presents opportunity to see what you actually believe to be true.  It’s a proving ground which is a place to learn how to actually walk by faith and not by sight.  Baptism with fire burns the chaff.  It leads to repentance.  Ultimately, it leads to God and an intimate relationship with Him.  It is the exact time to rejoice in the Lord and offer Him thanksgiving.  Being grateful is powerful.  It demolishes anger, bitterness and self-pity.  It puts you in touch with the goodness of God.  Remember what He has already done for you.  One of those things is make you more than a conqueror through Jesus Christ (see Romans 8:31-39).

God uses storms to remove hypocrisy.  Have you ever spoke about walking by faith; yet inwardly, you questioned whether you actually do?  Those who say they have faith will most assuredly be tested, but that’s a good thing -a very good thing (see 1 Peter 1:6-9)!  To be clear, God doesn’t create the storms; He uses them.

Another unique thing about those tempests is that they teach our hearts that God deserves all glory.  We learn to give Him glory in all things, and stop taking credit for what He did in us, through us and for us.  Consider this:  God created us.  He redeemed us through Jesus Christ.  He filled us with His Holy Spirit, which means He lives in us.  Holy Spirit comforts, counsels, teaches, prays and manifests through us (see Romans 8:26-27; 1 Corinthians 12:9-11).  God gives us the ability to get wealth.  In Him we live and move and have our being.  He is the Reason we succeed.  When we obey Him, it is He Who accomplishes through us what He asked us to do to begin with.  Yet, He rewards us here on earth and will reward us in heaven.  Who deserves the credit?

If you recall in the Bible, Jesus calmed the storm on the sea by His word (see Mark 4:34-41).  He has the solution; in fact, He is the Solution.  1 Corinthians 1:30 But of him are ye in Christ Jesus, who of God is made unto us wisdom . . .  Life itself on earth has a shelf-life, and so your circumstances.  Rejoice!