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Making Changes (Part Two)

Some habits aren’t obvious they are habits. We aren’t consciously aware that’s what we we’ve been dealing with, but there they come strolling in, seeking to influence our life as a whole. They’re default mindsets that surface under certain circumstances or trigger points. “I don’t know why I resort to doing that!” These are habits we don’t experience on a regular basis. In some cases, they’re the ones that set people back because they’re attached to core emotions or beliefs. When things are going smoothly and all seems well, too well maybe, how many of us start looking for the other shoe to drop? “This is not normal!” The reason it’s not so obvious is you’re dealing with habits not experienced on a daily basis; and yet, someone else might say, “He has a habit of doing that when things start going well.” In this case, the habit is self-sabotage.

We’re all accustomed to a certain status quo, and our subconscious goes to work to maintain it. Until challenged, it will continue the maintenance cycle. It has to be told to reset itself, and this is where confession comes to play. Proverbs 18:21 Death and life are in the power of the tongue: and they that love it shall eat the fruit thereof. As long as an individual says something to the effect, “This always happens,” or perhaps, “If it’s not one thing, it’s another,” things will continue as “normal.” Some may notice a certain apprehension when things are going “too well.” That’s a trigger, which signals the subconscious to go to work to keep things from changing. And that means one thing: if you want change to happen, you need to be intentional. Emotions have to be kept at bay so they don’t hijack the process. For some, change can be scary, even if it’s for the better. This is where submission comes to play. Peace is a component of the fruit of the Spirit (see Galatians 5:22-23). Submitting to Holy Spirit allows peace to rule in your heart. Confessing the Word of God brings change, which starts on a spiritual level. John 6:63 It is the Spirit that quickeneth; the flesh profiteth nothing: the words that I speak unto you, they are spirit, and they are life. The words you speak programs the subconscious. The Word of life changes the atmosphere, while it also changes subconscious programming. Injecting what God has to say changes everything! Changing mindsets is paramount to changing habits.

Even relationships are connected to habits. We tend to treat certain people certain ways, especially when they’re longstanding relationships -good or bad. That generally means mere acquaintances tend to be exempt; unless, they remind us of someone else. If you’re used to a cordial relationship, you’ll treat someone cordially. If it’s close or intimate, you’ll tend to be more tender. Hostile ones with hostility and so on. If you want your behavior to change towards others, change your thoughts about them. If you want a better relationship, decide to love them well. Be mindful about your thoughts, intents, words and deeds toward them. Love is part of the fruit of the Spirit. Yep, submission plays a role in your relationships with others.

If you want to change the status quo in any area of life, you will need to exercise the principles of renewing your mind; but it must be centered on a legitimate principle-based decision. Emotional decisions do not carry enough weight to hold the course steady. Emotions must be guided by spiritual principles; not the other way around. As it’s been said, “Emotions are great servants, but they’re terrible masters.” More than likely, you’ll never always “feel like it,” if you use your emotions as your guide.

Allow Holy Spirit to help you evaluate your life and habits. Grant Him permission to show you what’s in your heart and what needs changing. Trust Him, even when it’s uncomfortable -especially if it’s uncomfortable!