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Hate Someone Taking Advantage?

By March 15, 2020No Comments

Do you hate the feeling of someone taking of advantage of you? Here’s a simple way to short-circuit that feeling: put yourself out there. Make a decision to be a blessing to others, regardless of their response or intentions. Forget about whether they are grateful. Expecting someone’s gratitude or praise can steal your joy, because it detaches you from love. Just determine ahead of time that you will simply bless others. Whether it’s serving or giving, do it for someone else’s benefit -period! Sure, there are nuances involved, such as what the Lord would have you do in any given circumstance. The bottom line is by freely blessing others, they really cannot take advantage of you.

John 15:13 Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends.

If someone feels the need to manipulate others, something is broken. Maybe all he or she has known is manipulation. It serves as a survival mechanism, which doesn’t make it okay, but it may help with understanding. For whatever reason, their heart is not right. They are in need of healing or repentance. Perhaps, both. Maybe, they’ve never experienced unconditional love, which in turn leads to healing and repentance. Think about this: God’s kindness leads us to repentance (see Romans 2:4). Your act of kindness might be the very thing that opens their heart to receive the very thing of which they have need. Allowing God to bless others through you can be monumental in their life.