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A Time To Keep Silent And A Time To Speak

Matthew 7:6 Give not that which is holy unto the dogs, neither cast ye your pearls before swine, lest they trample them under your feet, and turn again and rend you(KJV).

James 1:19 Wherefore, my beloved brethren, let every man be swift to hear, slow to speak, slow to wrath (KJV).

Ecclesiastes 3:7 A time to keep silence, and a time to speak (KJV).

As believers, we need to come to a place where we are quick to listen  and very slow to speak.  This is especially true in relation to that which is holy and precious.  The focal point here will primarily be the Word of God as it relates to the Written Word and the  prophetic Word.  We must realize that God’s Word is both holy and precious, and must be treated as such.  Those who are cavalier with His Word are less apt to receive revelation into His written Word and His proceeding Word.  Conversely, those who take great care in their dealings are more apt to receive more because they can be trusted with more.

James 3:1 tells us, “My brethren be not many masters (teachers), knowing that we shall receive the greater condemnation.”  Those who teach are held to a higher standard because it affects more than just the ones who are doing the teaching.  Corrupt teaching can build strongholds in the minds of those who receive it.  According to 2Corinthians 10:4-5, strongholds are, “imaginations and every high thing (extended metaphors) that exalts itself against the knowledge of God.”  These are things that people hold to be true, even though they are in error and have no Scriptural backing.  The word, stronghold, serves as a good example: it has been taught by some as demonic force or stranglehold  governing an area or city.  In truth, the only place the word is found in the New Testament is in 2Corinthians 10:4 -“to the pulling down of strong holds.”  Strong hold is defined in verse five.  Secondly, it contradicts the Scriptures that state Jesus stripped the forces of darkness of their power.  This is all the further this particular subject will we dealt with here.  The point is the misuse of Scripture.  There are doctrines of men and devils, and then there is the Doctrine or Christ.  Great care must be given, so that which is taught lines up with the latter; no one wants to stand before God and  give an account for the former.

As a person studies the Bible and begins to find new things that they have never seen before, he needs to take the time to study it out before sharing it with another. It is good to to run it past someone who is grounded in the Word to see if it is truly lining up with Scripture.  Sometimes one can overlook a principle in relation to what was found, and another can bring more clarity.  What’s new to us, may not be new to someone else.  Secondly, it works like having an accountability partner.  It helps us stay balanced.  The idea, of course, is to study to see if it be so.  The key is humility.  Ultimately, ask the Lord to reveal the full counsel of the given subject through the Holy Spirit.  Until there’s certainty and a release by the Holy Spirit to teach anything new, it is best to keep silent.

There is a time to release a prophetic Word, vision, or dream, and there are times to keep them hidden until the proper time.  We have to take great care in relation to the prophetic.  It is not some game we play with.   Granted, when people first come into the realm of the prophetic, they can have  a child-like fascination with it.  Operating in the prophetic in of itself does not make one spiritually mature, nor is it necessarily some sign of approval of God in relation to our personal life.  This is something that won’t be addressed here, but suffice to say it is something to study out in the Word (see Matthew 7:21-23 for one example).

Here is one example in relation to the prophetic: there are times one may be given insight to another person’s life.  That insight may be given as a confirmation for the other person, which is to be given at the proper time.  In this case, it may be when that person shares what he feels the Lord has been telling him.  At which time, the one who was given the insight (word of wisdom, word of knowledge, prophecy -see 1Corinthians 12-14) may be led to share what the Lord has revealed to him by the Holy Spirit.  That prophetic insight is not meant to be shared with anyone else, but the individual as the Holy Spirit leads.  When people begin to share things that should be kept silent, damage can ensue.  People can be hurt when others are cavalier with the Word of God.  When secrets are revealed to the wrong people at the wrong time, others can be seriously hurt.  People whisper and stories are told, whether they are true or not.  Sometimes it leads to the rejection of God’s word for them, along with bitterness and un-forgiveness.  We’ve got to be careful to not play some child’s game of, “I’ve got a secret.”  There is a time to keep silent and there is a time to speak. We need to not be in a hurry with the holy and precious things of God!
