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The Secret Place

By November 3, 2010No Comments

Psalm 91:1 He that dwelleth in the secret place of the Most High shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty.

The secret place is an intimate place and the safe place to dwell.  It is the place of the greatest protection, it is a place for the weary and the strong alike.  It is where one goes to gain strength and where one maintains strength.  The secret place of the Most High is the secret place of strength.

It is in the secret place that God reveals His secrets to those who choose to dwell there.  The secrets of God are for those who will humble themselves and enter into His presence whereby they are able to come to the place of intimacy.  The mysteries are for those who love Him enough to spend time with Him.  They are not for those who do not care for Him or the things of God.  He will not throw pearls to the swine.  The mysteries are revealed to the faithful who love Him.

The Father protects those who dwell in the secret place of the Most High, for they are truly abiding under the shadow of the Almighty -His covering.  While He exposes our hearts to us in the secret place, His shadow protects us from being exposed to others.  Humility and obedience is key here.  This is for those who do not try to hide their sin and disobedience; it is for those who repent and seek His face.  Those who choose to go on sinning will be exposed to others -their sin will find them out.  To those who seek God out and seek to know and walk in His ways will be protected.  People will not “know our stuff,” unless we tell them.  Our struggles are kept secret.  Exposure is not exempt from our lives in the secret place; it varies in degrees according to the hardness or softness of our hearts.  If we remain soft before Him, the Father will keep the exposure between Him and us.  If we become hardened, He may allow us to be exposed to others.  In fact, He may send others to warn us of our folly.  After all, if we choose to become hardened and refuse to remain humble, we will exit the secret place by default.  Keep in mind that the Father will go to great lengths to keep us in the right place.  Where we dwell is up to us, God did His part so that we may choose -the decision is ours.  Exposure is an act of love.

As we abide under the shadow of the Almighty, the Father also protects our hearts.  While our hearts are vulnerable to Him in the secret place, they are not vulnerable to those on the outside.  While in the secret place, He heals our vulnerable hearts, while keeping others from hurting us.  This does not mean we keep ourselves from being vulnerable to others, it means they will not be able to affect us as they once were able.  In the secret place, we are not concerned with what others may think, we are centered on the Father’s thoughts.  The shadow protects us from the fear of man, while the secret place keeps us in the fear of the Lord -not in the sense of terror; rather, it keeps us from the terror of God.  The secret place of the Most High is a place of trust; thus, a place of safety.  If we trust the Father, we will feel safe with Him as well.