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The Secret Place (Part 3)

By November 16, 2010No Comments

Psalm 91:9 Because thou hast made the Lord, Which is my refuge, even the Most High, thy Habitation.

The secret place of the Most High is the place of perfect or complete trust because it is a place of habitation.  The Habitation is the Lord Himself in Whom we dwell.  In Him is perfect peace and perfect faith.  It is in the secret place that we have absolute confidence in Him -us in Him.  Amazingly, we are also His habitation because He dwells in us by His Spirit.  Therefore, we have confidence in the Lord God Who dwells in us, and are able to walk with His presence wherever we go.  Thus, we are able to stay in the secret place continuously -Him in us.

Because we have made the Lord our Habitation, we are able to walk with absolute authority over all the power of darkness.  We can tread on serpents and scorpions without fear or harm.  We can walk into a plague infested area  and not be plagued ourselves (see Psalm 91:5-10).  In fact, we can walk into a place filled with darkness and the enemy will flee because of the Light that dwells within us.  We are able to bring the Light into a dark kingdom and change it to a kingdom of Light.  Light always vacates darkness, no matter how small the light.  It is impossible for darkness to overcome the Light.  No matter how thick the darkness, it can never overcome or extinguish the Light (see John 1:5).  The secret place is a place of Light.

The secret place is a place of honor and favor.  As we give honor to God, He honors us as well.  As we honor Him and look favorably upon Him, He gives us favor.  By humility, we give Him the place of honor, and in return He lifts us up.  As we give God honor, He will put us in places of honor before men.  His favor will go before us, and we will honor Him all the more before man and all the witnesses who have gone before us.  If you want to honor God, dwell in the secret place!

The secret place is not a selfish place.  In fact, in order to enter, we must deny the self, pick up our cross, and follow Jesus.  Our motivation is our love for God.  For example, I do not give honor in order to get honor.  The secret place is not a place where we transact business.  We do not enter in to get what we need or want; unless, what we need and want is Him.  Does this mean we don’t ask for things in the secret place? No.  Our prayers in the secret place spring out of our relationship with Him.  It is more like praying with God than to God.  In the secret place the Father reveals to us what we should be asking for.  We always enter in by submitting to His sovereign will.  We seek to receive His will; not impose our own!  If you want to enter into the secret place, humble yourself in the sight of the Lord.