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Eliminating The “What-Ifs” (No More Emotional Distress).

By March 27, 2011No Comments

Sometimes eliminating emotional distress is as simple as eliminating the, “What- ifs.” Emotional distress (fear, anger, wrath, depression, etc.) is often generated through the imaginations. Let’s deal with fear for a moment. Granted, there is the spirit of fear that exists, but it can only operate in the believer’s life when it is given permission. The spirit of fear preys on the imagination, especially in the mind that has not been renewed by the Word of God. One of the ways the spirit of fear (along with the old man) tries to generate fear is inserting, what if? In many instances, once the what-if is considered and accepted, it becomes a mental reality. At that point, fear sets into the mind, and filters into the heart and soul. Keep in mind that “what if” also works with the other emotions, especially those that people have difficulties with. Perhaps it’s anger, where people work themselves up into a lather over an event or situation that does not exist. It works with depression, jealousy, envy and the list goes on. Often people stress themselves out over something that will never happen. They just went on an emotional rollercoaster ride.

I had a time when I was getting nervous over a possible situation. Out of the blue, the Lord clearly spoke to me: “There is no such thing as what if.” I received that Word, and immediately the nervousness was gone. Of course, nervousness is a form of fear, and it had to be dealt with. Remember, fear cripples us if we take council with it.

Beware of pet emotional hang-ups. For example, some believers use to love to scare themselves (perhaps they still do); hence, many of them loved to watch horror movies, which is also a way to invite the spirit of fear. They loved the adrenalin-rush it gave them. Others loved anger and wrath because of the sense of power it gave them. It was great for getting people to do their bidding, which is another form of manipulation. Anger also works as a cover for damaged emotions that need healing, like a band-aid that covers  a wound. It helps give them power over a hurt they might be feeling or fear that’s gripping their heart. Emotions often play into one another. Face it, sometimes anger is easier to deal with than a hurt or a fear; nevertheless, people need to deal with the root causes in order to be rid of them all (getting rid of the root is not the emphasis in this blog).   Emotions can be an indicator of something going on inside.

When people grow up with emotional distress, it can be difficult for them to release it because it is what they are accustomed to having. Hence, the what-ifs can be a struggle to shake off if they continue to embrace their emotional hang-ups. This leads to another point: stop embracing your pets; they are not your friends!

We are called to peace, which is the result of walking in the righteousness given to us through Jesus Christ our Lord. We can eliminate the what-ifs because we can do all things through Christ who strengthens us. We can stand on the Word of God, which also renews our minds. Remember the Scripture that declares, “For ye have not received the spirit of bondage again to fear; but ye have received the Spirit of adoption, whereby we cry, Abba, Father” (Romans 8:15, KJV). “For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind” (2 Timothy 1:7, KJV). As we stand in His power and authority, sometimes emotional distress can be eliminated simply by saying, “There is no what-if in Jesus’ Name!”

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