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Making An Impact

By June 28, 2020No Comments

Have you been wearing yourself out trying to make an impact, and still, you feel as if you have produced very little fruit, if any? So, how’s your relationship with Jesus anyway? Jesus said: “I am the Vine, ye are the branches: He that abideth in Me, and I in him, the same bringeth forth much fruit: for without Me ye can do nothing” (John 15:5). If you’re not plugged into Jesus, if you’re not fellowshipping with Him, you will have a very difficult time doing much of anything for His Kingdom. You may very well have a bonified desire to do good things for God, but there is a way they are to be done. It’s one thing to do a good thing, it’s quite another to do the right thing. Having what one might consider a good idea, may not fit God’s design for you. When you start moving in directions that seem okay or even right, you may quickly find yourself gasping for air, and that’s because you need a fresh Wind. You need Holy Spirit guiding you.

Why was Jesus so impactful during His earthy ministry? He was busy about His Father’s business. He did not allow Himself to be distracted by others, nor the things of this world. No one could persuade Him to get involved in things outside His mission. It would be good for all of us to take His cue. It may be worth stepping back for a moment, and consider what you’re doing. Ask the Lord to reveal His will for you. This may lead you into new territory. Comfort zones no longer have a place at the table. This very thing may bring you to a crossroad where you have to make some tough decisions. That includes putting a stop to what you’ve been doing for some time. Discomfort and changes are good when they lead you to His perfect will for your life. It takes you out from dead works, and places you into labors of love in which you find joy like no other.

Moreover, making these shifts saves you from the weariness of doing what you’re not called to do in the first place. When you are in the center of God’s will, you find a vigor in life you’ve never thought possible. There may come a time, or perhaps that time is now, in which someone may ask you to do something to which you’re not called. It may be profitable to simply say, “no thank you.” Our walk of faith and obedience requires hearing from the Lord before taking action (see Matthew 4:4; Romans 10:17). And you may hear in a variety of ways, which we will not address here; but know it’s a place of rest.

Hebrews 4:10 For he that is entered into His rest, he also hath ceased from his own works, as God did from His.


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