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Prophet Word to the Church (7/12/2020)

By July 12, 2020No Comments

This is something I felt the Lord was saying this morning. It’s written the way I heard it.

7/12/20 8:16 AM

Are you listening, My Church? Are you paying attention? To what are you paying attention, and to whom are you listening?

Are you speaking, My Church? What are you saying? Whose words proceed from your mouth? Are they filled with life or death? What ARE you saying?

Are you thinking, My Church? On what are you thinking? On whom or what do you meditate? Where do your thoughts lie?

Are you watching, My Church? What do you see? Through whose eyes do you see, and for what or whom are you watching? Do you see clearly, My Church?

Are you focusing on the chaos, My Church? Are you moved by what you see? Where is your faith? In whom or what have you placed it? What do you believe? Who do you believe?

Are you One, My Church? Are you united? Do you speak the same thing? Do you speak what I speak? Are saying what the world says? Are you in agreement with Me?

Are you repenting, My Church? Will you move from glory to glory?

Where are you, My Church? Please tell Me. Do you have an answer? What is your answer? From whom do you seek answers?

Do you fear Me, My Church? Are you afraid? Are you shaking? Will you be able to stand in the midst of the shaking? Will you remain standing when the shaking is over?

Whether you stand depends on how you answer Me! Am I calling for repentance, My Church?

Yes, I am!

Thus says, The Lord!

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