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Set Your Intentions

By October 4, 2020No Comments

Do you find yourself distracted more than you like, or feel it’s difficult to get done what you set out to accomplish? Are you frustrated when your mind goes elsewhere when you’re trying to connect to God? Set your intentions! When you set your intentions, you allow no room for distractions. It is actually a place of rest, even when you may have a gazillion things to get done. When you are intentional about the space you’re in, what you’re doing and who you are, things change. That includes your perspective. As some talk about being laser-focused, you may think that’s exhausting; but in reality, it’s one thing that saves a lot of energy and opens creativity.
   When you dedicate yourself to one thing in the moment, it gives your mind a rest from everything else that’s vying for your attention. If you tell yourself, “that will wait until I get there,” it creates space to be in the moment. What’s easier to lift, 1,000 pounds at once, or 1,000 pounds lifted one at a time? The 1,000 pounds looks and feels overwhelming, but one pound not so much. Focus on the one, and the load gets lighter with each one after. If you’re going to lift it all at once, be sure to get some help. But in the meantime, stay with the task at hand -the one pound.
   If you’re trying to solve multiple problems or create ideas for various areas, you’ll find focusing on one at a time gives your mind a rest in those other areas. Here’s a little trick of the trade, if you find yourself getting stuck in an area, leave it for another time if possible. When your mind is at rest, or resting from a certain thing, the Lord can more readily drop the solution in your heart. Try praying in the Spirit and see what happens.
   Hebrews 4:10 For he that is entered into His rest, he also hath ceased from his own works, as God did from His.
   Here’s a starting point: Take therefore no thought for the morrow: for the morrow shall take thought for the things of itself. Sufficient unto the day is the evil thereof (Matthew 6:34). Take things one day at time. Tomorrow will get here when it gets here, but then, we’re not promised tomorrow. Set your intentions! 

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