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A Resolution To End All Resolutions

By January 1, 2023No Comments
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A Resolution to End All Resolutions

Why the Resolutions?

What is a resolution? In this context, it is a firm decision or determination to do or not do something. An obvious example would be the New Year’s Resolution in which a person resolves to make some sort of change in life. It may be to start or continue good traits or habits, or perhaps discontinue undesired ones. It may be to accomplish a goal. In short, it is when one decides to embark on the journey to self-improvement at the beginning of a calendar year.

What purpose does a resolution serve? People want to shore up their chances of success, and feel that some sort of fresh start accompanied by determination will increase its probability. Secondly, it gives a sense of being someone different, pointing to a new identity: “the new me,” or “the new you.” Some wrestle with the feelings of failure, and want to finally cross the finish line that constantly eludes them. They want to be a winner. They want to feel born again, and making a resolution serves as a launch point.

However, it also serves as a form of procrastination. Let’s be honest, some things we say we want to get rid of, are pets to us. Deep down, we don’t really want to let them go. If I make a resolution in June, I still have six months to enjoy those pets. Positive changes sometimes have perceived friction or sacrifice attached to them. We all love the phrase, “No pain, no gain,” don’t we? Perhaps, we don’t feel ready to face the pain, or God forbid, do the work necessary to accomplish said goals. How many want success, but don’t want the work involved?

Resolutions can be Problematic

Looking deeper into why people make resolutions, we may find some other motivating factors we haven’t considered. These considerations my actually explain why there’s such a high failure rate with resolutions.

One is that the idea belongs to someone else. In other words, someone suggested to another, he should do something. As good as the idea may be, the individual may not have the conviction necessary to follow through, because it did not originate with him. In fact, he may not agree that it is a good idea. At least for himself. Essentially, this leads to a futile attempt that goes nowhere.

For others, a resolution simply feels cathartic. Just making a strong declaration gives them an emotional release; however, it does not necessarily mean there will be any action behind it. Feelings alone don’t get the job done, especially when one doesn’t feel like it, and there’s not real belief behind it.

Another reason is the quest for affirmation. Self-improvement does have an appeal for those who lack self-esteem, or are disconnected with their true identity in Jesus Christ. Of course, those who don’t have a relationship with Him, will not find their true identity until they receive Him as Lord and Savior. In their view, if they make some sort of change, they will have some value.

Similarly, some feel the need to prove others wrong. In certain instances, individuals grew up hearing they were worthless, and incapable of doing anything positive. At some point, they made a determination to prove their detractors wrong. Sadly, because they believe the lie, they continue to fail with their resolutions, which compounds the problem.

Moreover, proving others wrong is pride-based. It’s kind of a double-whammy. Operating out of a wound may lead to pride. One may rely on pride to elevate himself, which may also have an opposite effect, especially in light of Scripture.

James 4:6,10 But He giveth more grace. Wherefore He saith, God resisteth the proud, but giveth grace unto the humble. Humble yourselves in the sight of the Lord, and He shall lift you up.  

A Resolution to End Resolutions

Here’s a resolution to end all resolutions: be led of Holy Spirit each and every day. This is one you can actually do, because God’s grace enables you to do just that. It’s based on humility and relationship. In the relationship, you come into your identity in Jesus, and find what your true value is in His sight.

Secondly, God’s mercies are new every morning, which means every day is a fresh start. There is no need to wait for it. Of course, by receiving Jesus as Lord and Savior you already have the ultimate fresh start, because you became a new creation (see 2 Corinthians 5:17). New does not mean a remake or renovation; rather, it means prototype, altogether new, as in not previously existing.

Being led by Holy Spirit leads to your best life possible, because it actually is God’s plan! Holy Spirit will always lead you in right direction, which includes the prospering and healing of your soul. This resolution connects us with our identity.

Romans 8:14-17 For as many as are led by the Spirit of God, they are the sons of God. For ye have not received the spirit of bondage again to fear; but ye have received the Spirit of adoption, whereby we cry, Abba, Father. The Spirit itself beareth witness with our spirit, that we are the children of God: And if children, then heirs; heirs of God, and joint-heirs with Christ; if so be that we suffer with Him, that we may be also glorified together.