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A Winning Resolution

By December 29, 2024No Comments
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The Problem with New Personal Resolutions

People want change for the better, hence the all the personal resolutions, which includes the one made on New Year’s Day. It’s the reason for the self-improvement craze. The problem is it’s about the self, and the self does not really know its own design. Which brings us to self-discovery. Individuals get lost in trying to figure out who they are, even to their own detriment.
    How many try to “recreate” themselves? They imagine a better version of themselves. More often than not, their vision of that new creation is a culmination of what others say is important. Especially, those whom they hold in high esteem, or even idolize, and want to emulate. Without realizing it, they desire to recreate themselves into someone else’s image. Do you see a problem with that?
    In Whose image are we created, and to Whose image are we supposed to conform? One may actually place another’s opinion, or lifestyle above God’s perspective of these things. This subconscious veneration can become a form of idolatry. Anytime a person elevates someone above God, that human has become a god. It is important to keep God at the focal point. What is God’s intention for our lives?
    Romans 8:29 For whom He did foreknow, He also did predestinate to be conformed to the image of His Son, that He might be the Firstborn among many brethren.
   Self-improvement tends to lead people to doing things their way, which is never satisfying in the final analysis. The journey to self-actualization never ends, because there is no arrival point. For example, an athlete might win the gold medal, and feel ecstatic in the moment. However, the excitement wears off, and he find himself chasing another one. It doesn’t help when being the gold medal winner becomes his identity. So, the trophies, money, positions and possessions are never enough.  Where’s the contentment in any of this?  
   For whose glory is any of this being done? How many resolutions are based on pride?

How to End Personal Resolutions

Following Jesus, and conforming to His image puts an end to the need for self-improvement. Think about it, if we conform to the design of our Maker, would there be a need for self-improvement? When we truly follow Jesus, it becomes a moot subject. How so?
   Matthew 16:24-24 Then said Jesus unto his disciples, If any man will come after Me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross, and follow Me. For whosoever will save his life shall lose it: and whosoever will lose his life for My sake shall find it.
   When we deny the self, we no longer insert ourselves into the equation by submitting to the desires of the Lord. Instead of walking in our own ways, we follow His. We are no longer self-reliant in the sense of trying to being self-made. By the way, there is no such thing as a self-made person. By denying ourselves, we allow God to decide what is best for us. Peace and contentment are found in our true identity.
How can anyone improve perfection? Consider the following verses of Scripture, and take them to heart.
   2 Corinthians 5:17 Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new.
    Ephesians 4:23-24 And be renewed in the spirit of your mind; And that ye put on the new man, which after God is created in righteousness and true holiness.
   Romans 13:14 But put on the Lord Jesus Christ, and make no provision for the flesh in regard to its lusts (NASB).
   Our new man is perfect, and does not require improvement. Self-improvement is actually based on the world’s standards; not God’s. It’s a trap, and a rat race, with no real rest in sight. When we allow Holy Spirit to lead us in our day to day living, we’ll be who we need to be, and do the things most beneficial. In this, we also find rest for our soul. There is no need for those resolutions when we are Spirit-led. Incidentally, this does not mean to say you cannot read books, workout, or any other of those things you may enjoy. That’s between God and you.

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