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Are You Making Yourself Poor?

By February 20, 2022No Comments
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Are You Your Worse Enemy?

   As we well know, people endure hardship that is not of their making. That’s world in which we live; however, we also know Jesus overcame the world (John 16:33), and gave us power for living. That power is His grace extended to us through Holy Spirit. Moreover, He disempowered the devil and gave us authority over evil. Does this mean the disciple of Jesus Christ will never endure hardship? On the contrary; however, we’re not home yet. The point of this is: He has given us what we require to live godly lives, placing much of how we live in our hands.

   Another point is it’s time to put away the excuses, because He has given us what we need. Again, some things are out of our control, and some things are not. As I recently heard it put this way: much of the hardship we are experiencing today is the result of decisions our younger, and perhaps more ignorant, selves made earlier in life. Presently, what we do today affects our tomorrow.

   If you want to see changes for the better, you have to start with yourself, and quit blaming people and circumstances. At a bare minimum, put away the victim mentality and move forward. Sometimes our biggest problem is the person we see in the mirror. “Yea, but you don’t know this jerk in my life?” How you respond and interact with that jerk is still up to you. You decide how to deal with him or her. But this is a different subject. Don’t allow yourself diversions, and excuses. Look at the decisions, actions, inactions and reactions you’ve made over the years. How much of it plays a role in where you are today? Have you been a friend to yourself, or your worst enemy? Maybe a little of both?

How People Make Themselves Poor

   To be sure much of what is about to be said can be about money and finances, but it goes beyond these. People experience deficient in other parts of their lives. One obvious example is the rich and famous who are absolutely miserable and have no joy. They are spiritually deficient. Of course, not everyone who is rich and famous are in this category, but you get the point. Here are a few things that make people poor, and yes, it’s in their hands.

   Proverbs 13:18 Poverty and shame shall be to him that refuseth instruction: but he that regardeth reproof shall be honoured (KJV).

   Here’s another way this passage is rendered: Poverty and shame will come to him who neglects discipline, But he who regards reproof will be honored (NASB).

   How many of you have said, “I should have listened?” Do you want to keep making that statement? Sometimes, we need to listen to hard statements. A sign of wisdom is the willingness to receive instruction, reproof and learn from others. An unteachable attitude will hurt you.

   Discipline is not a cuss word. It’s a requirement for success and the ability to forgo a deficit. God has given us the ability to learn, but whether we do is up to us. For example, there are numerous resources to teach you how finances work, which can help you learn what to do if you’re struggling financially. Moreover, you can learn good stewardship and have abundance if you apply the principles. More than likely, there others who could mentor you. If you refuse instruction, and remain in the same condition, that’s on you.

   Proverbs 13:4 The soul of the sluggard desireth, and hath nothing: but the soul of the diligent shall be made fat.

   How many want results without the doing the work? You can receive instruction, but if you don’t act on what you learn, it will not profit you. This is where discipline comes into play. Part of being an adult is doing the hard things we don’t feel like doing. By the way, this is part of being a disciple of Jesus Christ. Our flesh will work against us, unless we bring it under subjection to Holy Spirit. By submitting to Holy Spirit, we can do the hard things. We can live a disciplined life, and see good things happen. Being lazy leads to want. Desire alone doesn’t get it done. Diligence helps you prosper.

   Many are poor because they keep themselves poor. They’re not willing to make necessary changes to improve their position in life. It’s much easier to play the victim card.

   Proverbs 13:20 He who walks with wise men will be wise, But the companion of fools will suffer harm.

   From whom do you take counsel? It doesn’t make much sense to listen to those who are not exactly in a good place. If you want to be wise, walk with the wise. If you want to be a fool, learn from the foolish. Walk with the Lord, and you will gain perfect wisdom.

   James 1:5 But if any of you lacks wisdom, let him ask of God, Who gives to all generously and without reproach, and it will be given to him.