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Are Your Priorities in Order?

By March 16, 2025No Comments
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Do you feel like you have a handle on what’s important to you? Are your priorities in order? When it comes to the nitty-gritty of daily choices, we typically don’t think about saying yes to one thing, is equivalent to saying no to other things. Conversely, when we say no to something, we open other opportunities. These choices may indicate just how important things are to us. That’s not to say we don’t have the occasional distraction. However, in the scheme of things, it may serve us well to consider the consequences of our choices before committing to them.

When we make major decisions, our choices should coincide with the overall objective. If one feels no closer to the end goal than when the decision was made, or even further away for that matter, an inventory of choices might be useful. For example, a person might decide he is going to have a closer walk with God, but his daily choices are void of anything spiritually beneficial. Worse still, they’re carnal in nature. His desire to scroll on his phone outweighs the desire to read his Bible, so the former becomes the priority. If we’re honest, most scrolling does not exactly renew the mind, does it?

Right choices require intentionality, which includes a closer walk with God. By the way, that does not mean jumping through hoops. In this case, setting boundaries play a role. For instance, setting a particular time for spending time alone with Him allows for deeper intimacy without distraction. In turn, better choices come easier. This is a sacred time in which no other things are allowed to take its place. At the same time, this does not mean rigidity. Occasionally, some things come up that require our immediate attention.

  Moreover, communion with Him is not limited to that set time. In fact, it actually sets a person up to maintain a state of communion throughout the day, every day. It is important to not turn into something religious. The schedule should not play a bigger role than the relationship itself. Beware of self-righteousness. “I get up early and pray every day. I’m a superior Christian who truly loves the Lord.” Gees! Yea, that’s a bit over the top, but it makes the point. Being quietly smug doesn’t cut it either.

Obviously, there are other areas of life. Consider each area of importance, and how your choices affect them. This really does call for brutal honesty. None of us will accurately assess them without it. Be brave and courageous, for the Lord your God is with you! Incidentally, inventories and change can be painful, which is why people find distractions come easy. But then, that’s the flesh in action. It does not want to be crucified.

Setting Priorities

Matthew 6:33 But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and His righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you (read 19-34 for full context).

In essence, our Lord Jesus revealed to us how to set our priorities in order. People say it all the time: “Put God first.” That is our filter for a wonderful life. True wisdom comes from above, which means intimacy with Him is paramount. Life really does revolve around Him, and His will. When we decide to come into agreement with God, our choices will coincide with His will. He is our Father Who has our best interest at heart.

Sometimes, we might feel we know what is best for ourselves. That’s usually based on our desires. Ironically, we don’t always know what we truly desire. One reason is not every idea we have comes from us. Often, they come from others. Marketers give us all kinds of ideas. “Buy this, and you will be happy.” The next thing you know, you’re in the store buying something you think you want. It’s not really what you wanted; it’s what the marketer wanted you do buy. Every hear of “buyer’s remorse?”

  That was one example of many. Here’s another one: how often have you had a loved one suggest something to you that you would have never given a thought? While we should love others well, it is vital to put our First Love, first. Sometimes, we need to say no to someone, so we can yes to Him. By saying yes to the Lord, we are actually saying yes to others. Meaning, if you are who you need to be for Him, you will be who you need to be for others. Which means decisions and choices that involve others, will be the best for them as well.

People-pleasing can be rather self-destructive. It negatively impacts countless people. Sometimes, we do need to tell others, no. Usually, that’s not very fun; however, it may be the most beneficial thing we do for everyone concerned. Being more concerned about what God thinks versus what people think is crucial. We cannot always please others. The fear of the Lord is far greater than the fear of rejection from others. Jesus gave us another vital key to putting our priorities in order.

Matthew 16:24 Then said Jesus unto his disciples, If any man will come after Me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross, and follow Me.

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