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Overwhelmingly, people who allow others to act as their judges, find themselves questioning their own faith.  When they compare their “Christianity” to the opinions of others, they begin to second guess their relationship with God.  What makes things worse is that they get duped into the works of the flesh.  They get trapped into doing things, rather than resting in Jesus Christ.  Hebrews 4:10 For he who has entered into His rest, he also has ceased from his own works, as God did from His.  There is a difference between a testimony about God and someone glorifying their “good deeds” to the satisfying of his flesh.  It’s one thing to follow Christ in someone, and it’s quite another to mimic someone else’s works.  We are warned not allow anyone to act as our judge in relation to faith (see Colossians 2:6-23).  Secondly, it is not wise to compare yourself to others.  2 Corinthians 10:12 For we dare not make ourselves of the number, or compare ourselves with some that commend themselves: but they measuring themselves by themselves, and comparing themselves among themselves, are not wise.

Our Judge is Christ alone!  Make no mistake, discipleship is important to help someone mature in the Lord; nonetheless, it should lead him to Jesus who brings him into the fullness of maturity.  You cannot rule someone else’s faith, much less dictate what his relationship is supposed to look like.  Everyone is designed to have a unique relationship with God.

The idea is to help one another embrace his or her relationship with Him. 

We cannot expect others to relate to God identically as we do.  Sure, there are general principles that should be taught.  Such as prayer, personal Bible study, devotional time, and so on.  However, since everyone is wired differently, the way they do things may differ.  For example, your best time with the Lord might be early in the morning; whereas, theirs’ might be in the evening.  You might be more vocal or expressive in your worship, while others may be more introverted.  You get the idea.  Some other ways our walks may differ relate to the uniqueness of the relationships we have with the Lord.

Of course, we’re all supposed to be holy because God is holy.  Our holiness is found in Jesus Christ.  Without going into what it means to be holy, there are things the Lord may single out with individuals.  For example, He may tell me to lay off the donuts.  That does not give me the right to put that on you.  “Be ye holy, and forsake donuts!”  None of us have the authority to play (the) Holy Spirit.  He may lead us to say something to another person, but until He leads, be careful about putting a stumbling block before him or her.

Similarly, do not allow another to put a stumbling block before you.

If you have a clear direction from God in any area of your life, do not allow others to obscure it by their “two-cents worth.” 

“Well brother (sister), you know if I were you, I wouldn’t (fill in the blank).”  This is strictly talking about personal opinions; not, God-given advice or warning.  That means we should be mindful about stubbornness at the same time.  That is to say, you should not allow fleshy desires rule or dictate what’s permissible or preferable.  Secondly, avoid mimicking the actions of others.  Let their faith be an example in the sense they follow God and obey His voice.  What they do as the result of what they heard is not necessarily intended for another to follow.  We all have to get our own Word from God.  Of course, instructions one may get could also be intended for others; but, each has to be convinced in his or her own mind.  We are not a bunch of lemmings who blindly follow one another.  Be led of the Spirit.

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