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Biblical Encouragement

True encouragement brings people into an awareness of their God-given abilities which enable them to carry out their assignment(s) in life.  It opens them up to believe they can achieve their intended purpose through Jesus Christ.  It makes them relevant to society as their spirit within them is charged with God’s reality: Christ in us the hope of the glory (Colossians 1:27).  Encouragement stems the tide of doubt, and fortifies the walls of faith as one is reminded of the hope of his or her calling.  Such encouragement brings to focus what God has said, which extinguishes the voices of those detractors who would snuff out the vision He gave them if it were possible.

True encouragement doesn’t overlook the mountains that obstruct the vision; rather, it nudges people to say to those mountains, “Be thou removed and be thou cast into the sea” (Matthew 21:21).

It adjusts the line of sight, so that the believer looks to the infinite God who empowers us to speak to them.  In turn, the mountains become less than molehills; in fact, they disappear because they’ve been cast into the sea.  Such encouragement stabilizes hope while giving glory to God for His sovereignty.

In truth, biblical encouragement awakens us to the reality that we are seated in heavenly places with Jesus Christ, which is far above any mountain (Ephesians 1:20-21).  This is where we find our authority to speak to the mountain or the tree.  Luke 17:6 And the Lord said, “If you had faith like a mustard seed, you would say to this mulberry tree, ‘Be uprooted and be planted in the sea’; and it would obey you (NASB).

By celebrating our brothers and sisters, and recognizing their gifts and callings, we can help them come into their destiny.  As we stir one another up, we should pay attention to the unique design each one has, so we may encourage them for what they do have, and not discourage them for what they don’t possess. Helping each other embrace the relationship with God that is tailor made to the individual, keeps us in a place where jealousy and envy doesn’t exist.  Promoting another actually frees you to soar in your own gifting.

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