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Community and Destiny

By August 2, 2015No Comments

As we well know, God has a purpose for every individual. All have a specific calling along with gifts tailor made for each one. Also in the purposes of God, He has a specific place in the body of Christ for every believer. One important principle we all must embrace is that we are designed to be one Body with many members. That means no one is supposed to be outside the Church. The gifts and calling of God function best when people are where they are supposed to be.

Being in church, as many like to point out, is not a prerequisite for salvation. True enough, but it is a sign of our love for God and obedience to Him. If we love God, we will love His people. Likewise, if we love Him we will obey Him. Since everyone has a specific place designed and defined by God, would it be considered obedience to refuse to be there? That’s selfish; not love nor obedience.

If your calling and gifts best function when you’re connected to the Church, how do you expect to fulfill your purpose to the fullest when you try to avoid the church?

Without being part of a community of believers, you will not completely fulfil the destiny on earth that God purposed for you. While people may be prophesied over, prophecy in relation to destiny generally do not align apart from obedience. It requires faith; but, if one refuses to listen, how can he or she walk by faith? After all, faith comes by hearing and hearing by the word of God (Romans 10:17).

Has it occurred to you that someone needs your gift active in his or her life in order to become whom he or she needs to be?

Likewise, there are those whom the Lord wants to use to bring you into your fullest potential. We do not merely fulfill our destiny by hearing a Word. There is a process involved to bring its fulfillment. As the saying goes, “You don’t send a boy to do a man’s job.” If your character doesn’t fit the position, God cannot trust you in that position. While some words of prophecy may not be contingent on what we do; our calling is dependent on process and obedience.

Have you ever thought that perhaps the pieces to the puzzle are hidden in community?

That one key your looking for might be in the pocket of a brother or sister. If you’re not willing to be part of the community, you may never find the key you’re looking for. Again, you may have one of the keys in your pocket that helps unlock someone else’s destiny. Don’t worry, God has other pockets if you’re not willing. Just keep in mind that He wants to give you the opportunity to partner with Him, and for you to gain rewards untold. Selfishness evades joy as it also avoids obedience.

Have you been hurt by some in the church? Welcome to the club. Let me drop the F-bomb on you. Forgive! Jesus, for the joy that was set before Him endured the Cross, despising the shame (Hebrews 12:2). Even before the Cross, Jesus knew there would be many to betray Him besides Judas, Nonetheless, He died for them anyway. Furthermore, He said, “Father forgive them, they know not what they do.” By the way, if you don’t forgive, you’ll have a very difficult time fulfilling your destiny.

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