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Dependence and Hope

By January 10, 2016No Comments

There comes a time that you learn to walk with the Lord with sole confidence in Him.  That is to say, you become entirely dependent on Him for all things.  While we are designed for fellowship with others, we are designed to worship and put our trust in Him alone.  Even though the Lord does send people into our lives to help us, we cannot put our trust in the messengers.  Our trust has to be strictly in Him, while trusting Christ in the messenger.

If you place your trust in people, your foundation will be shifting sand.  If you put it in both God and people, you are being double minded.  Even though we are called upon to encourage one another, and so receive encouragement, we still need to encourage ourselves in the Lord.  2 Timothy 4:16-17 At my first defense no one supported me, but all deserted me; may it not be counted against them.  17.  But the Lord stood with me and strengthened me, so that through me the proclamation might be fully accomplished, and that all the Gentiles might hear; and I was rescued out of the lion’s mouth (NASB).  Just as the Apostle Paul experienced, you may find others abandoning you.  If you strictly rely on their encouragement, where would you find yourself should they leave you?  Fortunately for Paul, the Lord strengthened him.  There are of course a number of biblical examples of those who had encouraged themselves in the Lord, when there were no others standing by their side.

If you find yourself strangely isolated, take heart. 

It may be that the Father has quarantined you, so you may truly receive Him as your loving Father.  He may have separated you so you would make Jesus the true Lord of your life; instead of others.  He may be training you to listen to the Holy Spirit for yourself.  Separation from others for a specified period of time can be a very good thing, if you allow yourself to be trained in it.  How long a time must be left to God, but know He has a specific length in mind.

Should isolation come, it would be wise to seek God first, instead of calling people.  Chasing after people during those times will be as fruitful as a dog chasing its own tail.  It’s a colossal waste of time.  The temptation would be to become fearful or insecure, and allow self-pity to settle in: “Why don’t people want to be around me anymore?”  Be uplifted, the God of the universe wants to spend time with you.  The question is: do you want to spend with Him?

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