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Designed to Believe

By October 16, 2016No Comments

We are designed to believe.  We are created in the image of God, and therefore, created to walk by faith.  God Himself has faith.  As it is written, “For what? If some did not believe, will not their unbelief nullify the faith of God (Romans 3:3)?”  This is why there’s a part of us that wants to believe what we hear.  It is also one reason Jesus said, “Unless you are converted and become as little children, you shall not enter into the kingdom of Heaven” (Matthew 18:3).

Children tend to believe anything, until they become disillusioned by those who would lie to them, especially if it’s those whom they trust.  This is a challenge for those who have lived a life full of deception.  When you have been deceived or use deception, it becomes difficult to believe even those things proven to be true.  To be child-like again when it comes to believing God and receiving His promises is of major importance.  Fortunately for us, God put faith in us to be activated when we hear the truth (see Romans 10:17; 12:3).

How do we become child-like?

A major component of this is to decide God is good, and yes, He is good all the time; regardless of what we believe. 

You must reject the lies about His character.  Take inventory of what you believe about Him, and compare it to what the Bible says concerning the goodness of God.  Anything that says He is not good, gracious, merciful, kind forgiving and the like, throw it out.  After all, God is love.  Unlike earthly fathers, good or bad, He is the perfect Father.  Believe it or not, the decision to believe is yours to make.  In other words, regardless of your past experiences, you have the ability to decide.  No matter how disappointed in life you may be, you are not doomed to unbelief.  Do you want proof?  Are there things you do believe?  Of course, and you had to make the decision to do so.

To believe or not to believe, along with what to believe is something you decide; it is not automatic. 

When it comes to being child-like, it is important to pay attention to whom you believe.  For the most part, a young child will believe anything his or her parents will tell him.  Why?  Because he trusts them.  As long as they remain honest with him, he will trust them because he learned they are trustworthy.  Even in dysfunctional settings, children still want to believe their parents, even if they lie.  Here is one important thing to know: it is impossible for God to lie (see Hebrews 6:18)!  Sure, because of their humanity, people will let us down.  However, God has never lied to you, nor will He ever!

“I don’t trust people!”  That is understandable; however, God is not a man that He should lie.  Don’t confuse negative outcomes or circumstances with the nature of God.  Don’t falsely accuse Him.  There is a devil who seeks to kill, steal and destroy.  We also have ways of sabotaging ourselves.  None of which can be attributed to God.  He has not overrun our ability to make decisions or act badly.  He will, however, use those things for good to those who love Him (see Romans 8:28).

Decide to trust God, and you will become child-like.  That doesn’t mean you will be gullible. 

Gullibility has to do with being easily tricked or deceived; but, God does not deceive nor does He trick us.  As we trust Him, He gives us the ability to discern what is true and what is a lie.  Trust enables you to believe.  If you don’t trust someone, you will not believe him.  If you trust God, you will believe Him.  Sometimes, we have to navigate through those things that hinder our trusting anyone.  Nonetheless, the more you trust Him, the more He will prove Himself to you.  No, we don’t’ put God on trial; especially, since He doesn’t answer to us.  That’s not trust.  The point is that by virtue of experiencing His trustworthiness, you will become more and more child-like in relation to believing Him.  Incidentally, any lack of experience doesn’t prevent you from having new ones.  You were designed to believe Him.  For some, it’s time to push the “reset button.”  If you don’t believe Him, something is broken or missing.  The missing ingredient may be a relationship with Him.

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