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Dry Spells

By February 7, 2010No Comments

John 7:37-38 In the last day, that great day of the feast, Jesus stood and cried, saying, If any man thirst, let him come unto me and drink.  He that believeth on me, as the scripture hath said, out of his belly shall flow rivers of living water (KJV).

A reason that so many go through dry spells is because they have not learned to press into God’s presence.  They have learned to speak much and even sing much, but they have not learned to listen -they have not learned to be quiet long enough to receive.  When they give out and give out, they become empty because they have not allowed the Lord to fill them back up.  In their seeking His presence, they have not learned to receive His presence.

Preconceived ideas often interfere with entering into the Lord’s presence.  Some do not fully believe that they can enter into it, so they do not expect it.  That is simply unbelief.  Similarly, some believe that they are not worthy, because they do not understand that worthiness is based upon the righteousness extended to us through Jesus Christ.  These are strongholds that need to be cast down.

Control issues have also separated people from enjoying His presence, because entering into His presence means that one must surrender.  The problem is pride and fear.  They want to be in charge, and they want to do things on their terms -they want to be the one in charge. Some are fearful and do not trust the Father.  They are afraid of what might happen if they surrender themselves completely.  They are afraid of what he might ask of them.

Dry spells are common to those who give themselves over to the flesh instead of the Holy Spirit.  When their minds are focused on the things of the world, they become oblivious to the things of the Spirit.  Who or what a person puts his mind on will be who or what they are mindful of.  To be carnally minded invites spiritual deadness.  As it written: “For to be carnally minded is death; but to be spiritually minded is life and peace” (Romans 8:6, KJV).

Expectations must change if people want to leave the dry wilderness.  Obedience will let rivers of living water flow.  When people refuse to obey the Lord, they will experience dryness; they are reaping what they sow: do not quench the Holy Spirit of promise.  Being open to receive opens the floodgates.   To obey means to believe with the intent to conform to the wishes  of a Superior out of a heart of love.

Another reason that people experience dry spells is because they fail to freely give.  As water becomes stagnant when it is not in motion, so is it with the believer who seeks to horde the Water for themselves.  Rivers of living water are intended to flow out of their bellies; they are not meant to be held in.  When a person withholds a cup of water from another who is thirsty, he will reap a cup of dust.

If a person really wants to live in a dry land, all he has to do is refuse to forgive.  Those who hold on to grudges will never experience the joy of a cup filled with cool water on a hot, dry day.  When he fails to extend mercy; he fails to receive mercy.

It comes down to this: examine your heart, and repent where repentance is needed.  Change the way you think, and that change takes place by the Word of God -renew your mind.  Repent of disobedience if you are refusing to obey the Lord.  Give instead of withholding, and forgive instead of hanging on to the grudge.  Now drink of the Lord, for He is so very good!