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Embrace The Moment Or Lose The Present Joy

By June 19, 2011No Comments

This one thing I do, forgetting those things which are behind, and reaching forth unto those things which are before, I press toward the mark for the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus (Philippians 3:13-14, KJV).

Some people are so lost in their past that they miss the joy of the present, and cannot even contemplate their future. The negative of the past overshadows the positive of the present. Some of this is the result of un-forgiveness. They are so angry over their past and at those who hurt them that when something good happens they do not recognize it for what it is. For example, a person may have waited for years to hear his dad say, “I love you,” or “I’m proud of you.” When he finally hears what he has craved for such a long time, he misses the moment because he is angry that it took so long to finally hear it. “Why couldn’t he say that when I was a boy?” Because he failed to embrace the moment, the present joy was lost.

Some miss opportunities to restore relationships because they will not allow room for others to repent. As in the above example, perhaps the dad did not grow up in a family that said, “I love you and I’m proud of you.” It may have been that he was so embittered by his own past, that he missed the present with his own children. Whatever the reason may be, he may have finally realized his own failings. Because of his anger, the son did not give his dad a chance to start a new relationship with him. The present joy of a new relationship was lost on a bitter past.

Still, there are those who are so encumbered with the way they blew it in their past, that they will not embrace the moment. They will not allow themselves to have joy, much less enjoy life because they feel they do not deserve it. They still hold themselves in un-forgiveness. In essence, they are playing God, because they will not do things on God’s terms. If the Father did not want us experience forgiveness, He would not have sent Jesus. God’s terms are simple: repent, ask for forgiveness, learn from the past and move on. The Father wants us to receive forgiveness and so be able to establish a relationship with Him. By forgiving themselves, they are able to embrace the moment and gain the present joy. By forgetting those things which are behind, they are able to reach forth unto things which are before, and press toward the mark for the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus. Question: where do you stand in the scheme of things?

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