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Eternal Love

By July 12, 2015No Comments

We know that God is love (1 John 4:16) and is everlasting to everlasting. He is the same yesterday, today, and forever (Malachi 3:6; Hebrews 13:8). He does not change and there is no shadow of turning with Him (Hebrews 1:17). God is not progressive, He is perfect and has always been perfect. That means His love is perfect. You cannot perfect perfection. Why is that important to us?

First, it shows us that God’s love is unchanging. He is stable. We can be fully confident in Him, and never worry that He will abandon us. Since His love is perfect, you cannot make Him love you more or less. Such eternal qualities are constant.

Secondly, since His love is complete and constant, you do not have to perform for Him. You are free to enjoy the relationship on an intimate level. God did not extend His grace to us in order for us to jump through hoops. He extended it to us so we may be His children and as such, embrace Him as our loving Father. Remember, we are saved by grace through faith (Ephesians 2:8). The Father even gave us the faith by which we could be saved, and receive His amazing gifts (Galatians 3:22-26; Romans 12:3). Not only that, but He gives good gifts, perfectly. We do not have to be concerned He might take then away because we “misbehaved.”

Some may feel as if they lost their gifts, but that’s not the case.

Romans 11: 29 For the gifts and calling of God are without repentance.

The issue is being off-centered in the relationship.

The gifts and callings of God cooperate with the Holy Spirit. If we feel out of touch with Him, we’ll feel out of touch with the gifts and callings as well. If a person is in rebellion, his confidence with God will have bottomed out. That means there will not be the confidence to be used by Him in his gifting. Fortunately, God gives room for repentance and restoration. His perfect love embraces those who return, and reaches out those who are running away from Him. Why do you suppose it is uncomfortable to be “away” from Him?

God’s eternal, ever present, non-changing nature enable us to stay confident in His love. In turn, it adds stability to us. When we’re confident in the relationship, we will not feel wishy-washy. We can be outright bold. As a matter of fact, God encourages to come boldly to His throne (Hebrews 4:16). God desires a relationship with us, and that desire is unchanging as well!

The Perfect Faith Podcast: “Relationships”

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