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Fighting Racism

By fighting racism in the natural, we promote racism.  It falls under the concept of persecute it and it will grow.  Secondly, we are still minding the flesh, and still promoting division instead of unity.  If we preach the Gospel and love people, regardless of who they are, racism will be defeated.  The reality is there is only one race –the human race.   Every genealogical line traces back to one set of parents –Adam and Eve.  After the flood, everyone’s bloodline goes back to Noah and his family.  Racism declares God’s Word is not true.  It is a subtle plan of the enemy to discredit the Word of God, and cause division.  With division comes hatred and destruction, which leads to bondage.

Because fallen man is in bondage to sin, he seeks to enslave others.  It is a byproduct of the fall.  The desire to dominate others is innate in the fallen nature.  Man has been enslaving man throughout all history because that is what his father the devil does.  Enslavement takes many different forms, but its roots are still found in sin.  One subtle form of slavery that is not so recognizable is manipulation.  Anytime a person manipulates another to do his bidding, he has enslaved that person.  It may not be called slavery, but that is what it is.  Anytime a person uses his position to lord over another, he is placing that person in bondage.  In the Kingdom, people freely serve one another out of love, and submit to one another without coercion.  Therefore, preaching the Gospel brings freedom, and freedom destroys slavery.

Keep in mind that the things of Light always overcome the things of darkness.  Hence, freedom will always defeat slavery, and love will eradicate racism.  The desire for freedom is innate in all humanity because the Lord desires us to freely love and serve Him.  Furthermore, He desires that we freely serve one another, which is another reason people hate to be manipulated.

If we are going to defeat racism, which is another form of hatred, we are going to need to walk in love.  Ironically, some who combat racism risk becoming racist or they already are.  The problem lies in becoming a segregationist in the approach –“us versus them.”  They become more concerned about their own “rights” that in essence take away or infringe upon the rights of other people groups.  Instead of bridging the gap, they burn bridges.  Love employs the Biblical principle of, “Deny thyself, take up thy cross, and follow me” (see Matthew 16:24).  Jesus went about doing good to all.  Love is equal.

Racism rests upon unforgiveness.  It holds a grudge and never forgets.  As long as people focus on the past, they maintain the mindset of the past, and harbor bitterness.  It is one thing to learn from history; it is quite another to live there.  One quality of God that we need to adhere to says, “Their sins and their iniquities will I remember no more” (see Hebrews 8:12).  As long as people hold others in unforgiveness, they will never move forward; therefore, forgiveness plays a major role in defeating racism.

Racism is a stronghold that holds people’s mind captive.  It will always cause them to see others from a tainted viewpoint.  They never really see “them” for who “they” really are because the preconceived notions have blinded them to the truth.  They carry the “don’t confuse me with the facts, I’ve already made up my mind” syndrome.  Conversely, if one sets out to combat racism, even out of pure heart, he may become too concerned about what “the others” think about him.  For example, Don’t they realize that I am not a racist? The propensity may be to prove one is not racist, and in some cases practice reverse discrimination.  If he simply walks in love, it will be evident that he is not.  It is a moot subject at that point.  Love makes no differentiation.  It is unconditional and without respect of persons.

This is not to say racism should not be fought; rather, it is the way we fight that will make the difference.  If we walk as children of Light, loving God and people, racism will never enter our minds and hearts.  We will be too busy loving others to even consider it.  Jesus said, “Go ye into the world, and preach the Gospel to every creature” (Mark 16:15); not, “go and fight racism.”  As we are busy about the Father’s business, we will tear down walls of racism.  Love will meet people where they are at, and minister their needs in the process.

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