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Frustrated Lives

By July 26, 2020No Comments

There is a number of people living frustrated lives. They are not fulfilling their God-given destiny because they have failed to grant themselves the permission God has already given them to move forward. One reason is they keep comparing themselves with others, and then question whether they’re “good enough.” Needless to say, self-doubt has set in, even though true confidence is found in The One Who lives in us. God is the Standard, not people. And since He sets the standards, when He gives the green light to fulfill one’s calling, He has already taken care of the “good enough.” If the Lord says we’re qualified, why would we need man’s approval? When you place humans ahead of God, you cripple your ability to live your full potential. It influences your ability to believe.
 John 5:32-34, 44 There is another that beareth witness of Me; and I know that the witness which He witnesseth of Me is true. Ye sent unto John, and he bare witness unto the truth. But I receive not testimony from man: but these things I say, that ye might be saved. How can ye believe, which receive honour one of another, and seek not the honour that cometh from God only?
   When we compare ourselves one to another, we have a tendency to mimic each other. We look for trends, and patterns of success. Not that some of these things are of no value, but we run the risk of putting ourselves in a box. Have you ever noticed the ones who really make changes in society, or stand out in tremendous ways are the ones who do things differently than all the rest? Yes, they take risks, but they also reap rewards. Perhaps, the Lord wants you to do what some might consider unconventional. People become immune to the same old same old after a period of time, which means you could lose your effectiveness by doing what everyone has been doing for a while. Your assignment is to be unique to you. It would be difficult to stand out and make a difference, if you were to try to blend in with the rest. Even though society may have encouraged you to blend in, be courageous and stand out in the way God has called you. Trust Him, it’s okay!

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