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Hope in Shaky Times

By January 24, 2016No Comments

The Lord said He would shake that which can be shaken, so that which cannot be shaken remains (see Hebrews 12:24-28).  What does that mean for us?  Regardless of world events, we look forward to an unshakable Kingdom.  In fact, that Kingdom comes from within (see Luke 17:20-21), therefore, we have it already dwelling in us.  Even now all creation is groaning for the revealing of the sons of God.  It has been held hostage to corruption, and now is ready to be freed (see Romans 8:19-23).  The shaking has begun, and anything ungodly is going to get shaken out of His people.  Falsehood and the like will be eliminated.  If it’s not being shook, there’s something wrong.  Keep in mind that there is a shaking taking place in the world, and it appears to be doom and gloom.  Albeit, God is working behind the scenes, which means we possess true hope that endures to the very end.

Jesus said, “I am the true vine, and My Father is the vinedresser.  2.  Every branch in Me that does not bear fruit, He takes away; and every branch that bears fruit, He prunes it so that it may bear more fruit” (John 15:1-2, NASB).  Who are the branches?  We are.  What’s the purpose of the pruning?  That we may produce more fruit.  Hebrews 12 tells us the Father disciplines those He loves.  That’s why there is something wrong if nothing is taking place.  He only disciplines His children.  If you’re not disciplined by Him, you’re not His son or daughter.  What happens to the branches that don’t produce fruit?  They’re cut off and cast into the fire.  That means if there’s shaking and pruning taking place, you have hope.  Would you rather be cut off or pruned?

God will even use our self-sabotage for our benefit.  Think about it: if you did something that hurts you, would that be the result of the new nature, or because of faulty thinking on your part?  Whether you find yourself driving others out of your life; ruining your finances through bad decisions; doing yourself harm, and everything in between, something needs pruning.  When a person finally hits bottom, then he may be open to see what the Lord has been trying to reveal to him about his self.  The Father will allow the shaking to go on until repentance takes place.  The shaking is the result of ungodly thinking and acts of the flesh.  If there’s nothing to shake out, why would it continue?  Obviously, there is another element which has to do with the trying of our faith.

If you claim to walk by faith, plan on the test.  God is not big on hypocrisy.  You cannot pretend.  God will reveal anything not of faith; and at the same time, solidify your walk of faith.  Just as every trial has a beginning, it does have an end.  The journey in the middle will you teach you to trust Him, if you allow yourself to be trained.  Instead of murmuring; offer Him praise in all things.  Don’t try to use your faith to get out of the test.  That’s not trust.  Rather, ask for wisdom and listen to what the Lord is saying.  If you listen, faith will come, as faith comes by hearing (see Romans 10:17).  Hold steadfast to the promise to which the test pertains, and repeat it before God.  “This is what You promised . . .”  Stay focused on what He said or is saying, and not what seems contrary.  Don’t use events against the promises of God; rather, use the promises against the circumstances.  Hope to the end!

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