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How Our Prayers Can Reach Generations To Come (Part One)

By December 4, 2011No Comments

Effective prayer is far reaching in that it can go, and should go beyond the present moment. Prayer should be prophetic in nature in that we are to speak the will of he Father into the earth. Biblical prayers made by the patriarchs extended far beyond their day. Case in point, often when David prayed, he not only touched his present moment, but also prophesied and prayed for time-periods that were hundreds of years later. For example, Psalm 22 prophesied of the words that Jesus would utter from the Cross. Psalm 109 prophesied of Judas and those who mocked the Lord. It also dealt with the judgment of Judas and the enemies of Jesus, and the reasoning behind it. It also reached to the righteous. Furthermore, many of the patriarchs’ prayers reached to the last days and even to the end of the world. Their prayers were not limited to the times and seasons in which they lived.

If we are going to affect our generation and the generations to come, we must begin with, “Thy will be done.” In this we are able to pray in the prophetic as we speak “as the oracles of God” (1Peter 4:11), thus speaking His will into the earth. We have to get beyond our current circumstances and beyond ourselves. We need to be outward focused while listening the voice of God through His Spirit in us. It is important to be quick to listen and slow to speak. As we listen to the voice of God and pray what we hear Him speaking, we will be praying according to His perfect will. Anything prayed according to His perfect will be answered, “Yes and Amen” in His perfect time.

It is essential that current circumstances do not dictate the way we pray. It is important that we are not moved by what we see with the natural eye. Otherwise, we may pray out of fear instead of faith. Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen (Hebrews 11:1, KJV). Therefore, when we pray, we must pray fully trusting in the Lord as He leads us. As we do, we will see things happen that cannot be seen in the moment. We will see things spiritually in the far distance before we see their visible manifestation. As we yield to the Father and His will, we will affect future generations by our prayers long before their birth. They will be affected as our prayers come to pass even after our passing because God’s Words are spirit and life, which means they are eternal in nature. This means that they will transcend all time.

In the next blog, we address using Scripture in relation to how our prayer can reach generations to come.

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