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It Takes A Child

By October 21, 2012No Comments

In order to walk in the Spirit, you must approach it from a spiritual perspective.  You cannot attempt to walk in the Spirit from a carnal viewpoint.  It is not a mind game where you try to make the spiritual to happen while looking through the eyes of natural reason.  It is not a question of trying to walk in the Spirit; rather, it is a full-fledged surrender to the Spirit.  It is not trying to imagine what walking in the Spirit looks like, then trying to fulfill it.  That still falls under natural reason, which is followed by dead works.  Anytime you attempt to accomplish something “spiritual,” using your own logic and your own strength, you are still walking in the flesh.  Therefore, it is necessary to yield to the Mind of Christ.

Matthew 18:3-4 And (Jesus) said, Verily I say unto you, Except ye be converted, and become as little children, ye shall not enter into the kingdom of heaven.  Whosoever therefore shall humble himself as this little child, the same is greatest in the kingdom of heaven (emphasis added, KJV).

Humility is a necessary ingredient to the realm of the Kingdom.  It begins with a childlike quality, which includes the desire for help.  It is a quality that recognizes the need for Someone bigger than the self to accomplish anything.  A child asks many questions because he does not “know it all.”  A child genuinely wants to know the truth; there is not self-deception attached to his curiosity.  Those who think they already know what it means to be spiritual without being taught of the Father are self-deceived.  They usually have a carnal perspective to spirituality, and their view “is the only plausible one.”  They want God to see things from their point of view, instead of the other way around.  They will not accept another viewpoint as long as they refuse to humble themselves.  On the other hand, a child will accept what the Father tells him.  After all, a true child of God will listen to the Father!  Could it be that it is easier for a child to walk in the Spirit than most adults are able?  Selah!

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