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Living For The Moment: A Key To Future Failure

When people begin to live for the moment, they lose sight of their future. When people feel they have no future, they lose hope. When hope is lost, discouragement is soon to follow as the heart becomes sick or weak (metaphorically). The Word says, ā€œHope deferred maketh the heart sick: but when the desire cometh, it is a tree of lifeā€ (Proverbs 13:12, KJV). The more one focuses on the moment, the less they will be able to see a future hope. From time to time people become discouraged because of the current circumstance they find themselves in is difficult, or perhaps devastating. It consumes them to the point that they lose sight of their future. They lose sight of the fact that current circumstances are often stepping-stones to the fulfillment of the future God has marked out for them. Those who have had Words spoken over them may count them as false prophecy because the situation they are in is opposite of what was promised. They failed to realize that there is a process involved necessary to complete the calling. Here is a point of clarity for those who asked God for the fire: fire burns away chaff. It is an invitation to ask God to expose and expel anything that comes between you and Him, along with what He has called you to do and be. Fire burns away the chaff, but leaves it also leaves beauty for ashes.

Proverbs 29:18 says, ā€œWhere there is no vision, the people perish: but he that keepeth the law, happy is heā€ (KJV). Proverbs 13:13 also says, ā€œWhoso despiseth the word shall be destroyed: but he that feareth the commandment shall be rewarded.ā€ When people live for the moment, they lose sight of eternity. They forget there is a day of reckoning. We all will stand before the Lord Jesus Christ and give an account to Him for our life, which includes ours deeds, misdeeds, successes and failures. For some it will be at the Great White Throne Judgment, where they will face an eternity that none should desire for another ā€“no matter how evil they have been. For believers, it will be determined at the Judgment Seat of Christ where we gain or lose eternal rewards. For those who live for the moment, they tend to forget there is a consequence to their actions, thoughts, and deeds. The ā€œlive now for tomorrow we dieā€ mentality leads to great loss. Remember, what we do today does determine our future. For some who find themselves in less than desirable circumstances, they are there because of what they did or failed to do in the past. Thy sabotaged their present by the deeds of their past. Likewise today, those who refuse plan for the future, as the Lord leads will fail to obtain the fullness of their destiny. One of the tricks of the enemy is to get us so distracted with the moment that we forget our future. This includes getting us to overwhelm ourselves with the media. Think about it: are there distractions keeping you from your future?

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