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Overcoming Frustration

By April 7, 2019No Comments

Frustration is attached to expectation and personal agenda. Obviously, if expectations aren’t met or plans seem thwarted, frustration is not far behind; unless of course, you’ve learned the art of letting go. Before touching on the art, consider how you might look at expectations and agendas. You can plan for the future, do everything in your power to ensure its success, which includes saying no to people and things when appropriate; but ultimately, you cannot plan or control the outcome. It’s simply not in your power. To be sure, visions and dreams come to fruition, but the road to their fulfillment typically doesn’t look the same as we envision. In many instances, the end product doesn’t even match what we imagined. In relation to your personal agenda, you may want to compare notes with God to see if it’s in alignment with His perfect will. Some have the wrong agenda, and since they’re so fixated on it, they’re frustrated because nothing is going their way. Some may actually be thwarting God’s purposes for them, and that is a miserable place to be! The more you seek to be in control, the more frustrated you will become.

The art of letting go comes down to one word: surrender! Contrary to what some might tell you, you are not your own (see 1 Corinthians 6:19-20). Sure, you can do as you please, since you do have a will. But if you misuse it, it will cost you. Jesus said, “If any man will come after Me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross, and follow Me” (Matthew 16:24). That means doing things His way and that leads to peace. Move out of His ways, and peace may elude you. Remember, true peace and joy are components of the fruit of the Spirit (Galatians 5:22-23), which means submission is required.

Can you lay your agendas at His feet? Sure you can, His grace enables you to do just that. Perhaps a better way to frame the question is, will you lay them at His feet?

One more thing about expectation: if you don’t want to be frustrated or disappointed with people, quit trying to make them live up to your expectations. Heck, you can’t even live up to them! Why would you ask someone to do or be something that you cannot do yourself? Perfection is unattainable, which means perfectionism is the way of frustration. Give others the freedom to be their selves. They are not designed to be like you, much less, live up your expectations.