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Praise is a Privilege

By September 1, 2019No Comments

There is power in praise, as well as glory and honor to God. However, how many of us have come to realize it’s a privilege to praise? While Scripture makes it clear all who have breath should praise the Lord; in fact, it declares all who inhabit heaven are to do so as well. Many love to sing songs unto God, while others consider it a duty or religious exercise. Perhaps, it’s just something a congregation does before the preaching. “Let’s just get on with it!” Of course, the easy response would be to point out all the reasons to do this act of worship, after all, He indeed has done great things! By the way, those moments we gather are not mini-talent shows in which people show off their gifts on stage. Moreover, how much meaning do those moments carry if you don’t praise in private? If you wrestle with the line between pure worship and entertainment, or perhaps not wanting to praise at all, consider again this statement: it is a privilege to praise!

1 John 4:10 Herein is love, not that we loved God, but that He loved us, and sent His Son to be the propitiation for our sins. We love God because He first loved us. Unless God loved you first, you could not love Him. Incidentally, your ability to love Him reveals He does indeed love you! If God never revealed Himself to you, you would never know He was there to love in the first place. God did not create us and then disappear from the scene, unlike some earthly fathers who abandoned their children. God is a Good Father, perfect in every way. He did not leave us to our own devices, nor did he leave us to die in our sins. He provided our Savior, the Lord Jesus Christ Who gave His life, so we may be reconciled to Father. None of this was our idea!

John 1:12-13 But as many as received Him, to them gave He power to become the sons of God, even to them that believe on His Name: Which were born, not of blood, nor of the will of the flesh, nor of the will of man, but of God.

Most have heard the saying: “Never ask someone to do something you haven’t done yourself or not willing to do yourself.” God exemplifies this statement. Before He commanded us to love Him with our entire being, He loved us. Before anyone could sing to Him, He sang over us (see Psalm 32:7). None of us sought Him out first, He sought us. Unless He revealed Himself and drew you by Holy Spirit, the thought of seeking Him never would have crossed your mind.

Some refuse to offer praise unless they get what they want or circumstances strike their fancy. They don’t praise Him for what He’s already done. They don’t appreciate Him for Who He is, and He is our Exceeding Great Reward. What or who could possibly be greater? They are short on gratitude.

While we are exhorted and even commanded to give God glory, it is not our right to do so, it is our privilege!