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Questions of Value

By July 28, 2019No Comments

How Kingdom minded are you, really? How much are any of us? How mindful of God and His will are you? Whose desires are at the forefront of your mind? Can you lay down your life for another? The way you live may actually answer these questions set before you -set before all of us.

Romans 14:19 Let us therefore follow after the things which make for peace, and things wherewith one may edify another.

The Bible has much to say about loving and edifying one another; and yet, there are divisions throughout the Church. That’s not a new subject matter. Consider this: the more self-centered we become, the more division there will be! How much has the quest for happiness infected our walks with selfishness? Can we truly bear one another’s burdens, or are we too focused on our own to care about anyone else? Can you do something for another without the need for reciprocity? These questions are not meant to accuse or indict anyone; rather, they are asked to help us become self-aware. Without self-awareness, it would be possible to go our own merry way and miss the will of God and all the blessings that come with obedience. And that leads to another question: which is more important to you, the will of God or the blessings?

Some are miserable at their jobs. One might say, it’s because they’re not doing what they’re called to do or want to do. That might be true, but there’s more. Many hate their jobs because they’re working for money. They’ve become slaves to it, and are basically trading time for it. In some cases, their priorities are so misguided, they’ve put themselves in debt and see no way out. They must work! Others are so focused on wealth accumulation, they’ve lost sight of its purpose. For instance, “I need money for my retirement.” So, you’re working for money in order to do nothing for the remainder of your life? How biblical is that? Can you find the word retirement in the Bible? Sure, there comes a time to separate from your place of employment or business, but what comes after that? “I just want to enjoy my retirement.” What does that mean? Are you in touch with God’s purposes for you? Leisure can be a very good thing; unless, it’s the only thing. What does God want for you? There is nothing more fulfilling than accomplishing His desires.

Getting back to the workplace. Regardless of whether it’s temporary or permanent, until you add value, it will never be as fulfilling as it could be. Adding value takes you out of the rat race. By looking to improve the lives of others while you’re there, you’ll find fulfillment takes on a whole new dimension. It’s one of the purposes God has for you -blessing others. Of course, places of employment or business are ripe harvest fields. See what happens when you make a decision to love your co-workers or employees well and serve them for their benefit. You can say you’re a Christian or disciple of Jesus Christ all you want, but it won’t be your words that convince others. Of course, what you say matters in terms of what’s in your heart and how it affects them. Ephesians 4:29 Let no corrupt communication proceed out of your mouth, but that which is good to the use of edifying, that it may minister grace unto the hearers. Doing all things as unto the Lord will make an impact in their lives, even when it’s not obvious.

To be clear, the questions and principles laid out here, are not restricted to our place of employment or business. It’s about adding value everywhere we may find ourselves. How we interact with others in our neighborhoods, grocery stores and so on, matters. Being purposeful leads to fulfillment.

Colossians 3:23-24 And whatsoever ye do, do it heartily, as to the Lord, and not unto men; Knowing that of the Lord ye shall receive the reward of the inheritance: for ye serve the Lord Christ.