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Remembering Our Inheritance

To look forward, sometimes we need to look back at our heritage. We need to remember our spiritual ancestors and encourage ourselves by the examples that they have left behind for us to follow (perhaps read Hebrews 11). To be instructed by them in the Word of God through the Holy Spirit. In this, we are able to learn what is lawful and what is foolish. We can also be encouraged by their humanity in that even in their shortcomings, God still raised them up and used them for His kingdom. Of course, we look at our ultimate Example, the Lord Jesus Christ Who had no shortcomings, yet came from humble beginnings.

Sometimes we avoid mistakes by seeing what others had gone through before us. More than that, we discover God’s mercy and love in the process. We can see repeatedly how He reached out to His people, even in their failure. Furthermore, we can more thoroughly grasp His character in the way He has dealt with people in the past, both those good and evil. We also discover what pleases and displeases God.

By remembering our heritage, we find another piece of encouragement: if God did it for them, He will do it for us. If He used them in their humanity, He will use us in ours. God is a respecter of none; He is equal, which means that what once was, still applies to us today. If He used people in the past, He will also use us today. When we remember our spiritual heritage, we also honor those who come before us; in this way, we also honor God

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