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Repentance from Division

By August 7, 2016No Comments

I felt like the Lord dropped the following Word in my heart to share with you.


Sunday; 12:43 PM

I am calling My people to repent of their divisions and join the unity of the Spirit.  It is high time to allow My Spirit to unify the Body.  Stop trying to unify by your own ways, strength and measure.  It’s not going to work by trying to unify through doctrine.  You must make the decision to love, regardless of another’s view of the scriptures.  As long as people try to unify through doctrinal stances, there will be division.  Even if you could unify in this manner, too much time would be lost.

If you desire to see unity of doctrine, you must be taught of the Holy Spirit.  The first lesson you must learn is how to love each other well.  Quit insisting that others have to see things your way, that is not love.  What if your viewpoint doesn’t match Mine?  If My doctrine is not your doctrine, you have the wrong doctrine.  Selah!

If you are not in agreement with Me, you are not in the unity of the Spirit, even if you “see eye to eye.”

I am calling those who are called by My Name to forsake and denounce their doctrinal pride, and humble themselves before Me.  Apart from humility and love, you will never be in agreement with Me.  Repent and draw near to Me, and I will unify you by My Spirit.

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