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Revelation 12:10 and The Body of Christ

By July 12, 2020No Comments

Revelation 12:10 And I heard a loud voice saying in heaven, Now is come salvation, and strength, and the kingdom of our God, and the power of His Christ: for the accuser of our brethren is cast down, which accused them before our God day and night.
   How often do we pray, “Your Kingdom come, Your will be done in earth as it is in Heaven?” Considering our opening passage, it’s important to note there are no accusations in Heaven.  This prayer expresses the desire to have the same atmosphere or ethos as Heaven on earth. For that to happen, we as the Body of Christ must put away accusations, especially false ones. What would happen if we actually did?
   Interestingly, the verse first states, “Now is come salvation, and strength, and the Kingdom of our God and power of His Christ,” before revealing the accuser of the brethren being cast down. It’s very significant and should not be lost on us. How can we express salvation, strength, the Kingdom of God and the power of Christ, if we maintain a culture of accusation? Think hard: if we were to cling to accusations, we would be opening a door to the devil, which is one way he’s allowed any power on earth. At the Cross and Resurrection, he was stripped of his power and authority. One of the ways Satan tries to gain advantage over us is by tricking us to agree with him. That is employing his weapons, speaking his words and taking like actions as his. But, we have been given the grace to resist him, and so we should (see James 4:6-12).
   This truly is an issue of the heart. Some might say, “You’ll never hear me accuse anyone!” That may be true, but what about in your heart? Have you ever mentally accused anyone? If you did, how did it affect your relationship with the other person? Remember, we don’t know everything about everyone, nor do we know the totality of every situation in which people find themselves; therefore, we need to be careful about making assumptions. Have you ever been proven wrong after making an accusation (verbally or mentally)? Even if you “called it,” did you know the heart of the individual in question. Not all actions follow the heart. Some people unintentionally get caught up into things, and it’s easy to judge them without knowing their true intentions. Actions don’t always reflect the true character of people. Even if their heart was in the wrong place, we’re still not their judge. Our call is reconciliation. Moreover, accusation breeds contempt and division; not to mention, slander. A good reputation takes longer to build than for it to be torn down. If we’re mindful about honoring one another, we will not be so apt to point the finger.  What does it mean to speak the truth in the love, anyway?

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