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Secular Christianity

By November 11, 2012No Comments

Matthew 13:22 He also that received seed among the thorns is he that heareth the word; and the care of this world, and the deceitfulness of riches, choke the word, and he becometh unfruitful (KJV).

When believers are so intertwined with the world, it makes it very difficult for them to discern and believe the things of God.  The cares of this world choke out the Word of God in their life even though the Word of God is infinitely superior to everything the world says and has to offer.  Nevertheless, the things of the world become their reality, and in essence, become as the traditions of men, which make the faith of God null and void in their life.  This is more prevalent in affluent societies which have great wealth.  Unfortunately, the lust of other things have overrun the desire for the things above.  The flesh becomes the focal point instead of the Spirit.  Consequently, those in this condition are completely numb to the Word of God, and fail discern what God is doing in their midst.  They ask God for certain things, and when He answers them in ways they do not expect they are displeased, or assume He was not listening.

We all have “prayed for righteousness” for our country.  With that prayer comes an idea of what the end result should look like.  Sorry to say for us, often the way God does things does not coincide with our ideas.  For example, people think righteousness will come by voting in the “right candidate,” as if government officials can live righteously for an entire nation.  If the people of God are not living righteously according to God’s standards, how are those same officials suppose to make any difference?  Government cannot change a nation, but those who pray according to the will of God can.  It’s up to the Church; not secular government.  In this particular example, elections have taken place of true Holy Spirit led prayer, which does change things.  When elections do not turn out the way believers expected because “they prayed,” they become offended.  It begs to question whether they truly believe.  Here is something to consider: sometimes people need to be humbled in order for them to follow righteousness.  If a nation is filled with pride, what do you suppose would happen if believers asked for righteousness?  Righteousness comes with a price, just ask Jesus.  If people are going to trust in God, the worldly things they trust in must first be removed.

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