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Seize the Moment

By February 25, 2018No Comments

Every moment of every person’s life is filled with purpose.  Each moment has potential for greatness, regardless of how mundane it may appear.  The potential is there, but how often do we miss opportunities because we fail to recognize them?  Even the mundane can serve as building blocks for the larger picture.  One missed opportunity leads to other missed opportunities, because often one was meant to be used as a stepping stone to propel us to the next.  Similar to people connections, where one person leads us to another person who affects our destiny.  It’s called positioning.  Each day has preparation for the next; however, when someone does not seize the day, what could be, never comes to pass.  In essence, what we do or fail to do in the moment, affects our future, one way or the other.  If you lived life for a length of time, you can look at your history and see what or who brought you to where you are today.  What decisions and choices you made influenced where you are right now.

Obviously, our goal as disciples of Jesus Christ is to be led by Holy Spirit, and have every step we take ordered by the Lord.  If we fail to submit to Him, we actually fail to seize the moment.  On the other hand, by denying ourselves, picking up our cross and following Jesus, we will take hold of it!  (see Matthew 16:24)

It would be easy to beat ourselves up for wasting time and losing opportunities.  However, our Lord is redemptive, and He is able to redeem the time and put us on the right track should we veer off course.  The question is: do we want it redeemed?  God has purposes for you, but He won’t drag you into them.  He desires willing participants who will labor with Him.  Whether or not we made the best use of the time afforded to us is not the necessarily the question of the day; rather, what are we going to do with whatever time we have left on earth?  Look in the mirror and ask the person looking back at you, “What are you doing with what God has given you?”

Ephesians 5:16-17 Therefore be careful how you walk, not as unwise men but as wise, making the most of your time, because the days are evil. So then do not be foolish, but understand what the will of the Lord is.