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Does Your Life Reflect Your Words?

   If you say you believe the Bible is the Word of God and you are a disciple of Jesus Christ, does your life reflect that statement? When push comes to shove, do you press forward by faith or do you back off? Do you say one, but then do another? Whose report do you believe, the Lord’s or the world? If your statement is true, there should be fruit accompanying your words.

   John 15:8 My Father is glorified by this, that you bear much fruit, and so prove to be My disciples.

Compromise Makes Us Irrelevant

   Christians complain about what they see in the world, not realizing compromise has made the Church irrelevant. What is one of the biggest complaints about Christians? Hypocrisy. No one listens to the hypocrite.

   How can one claim to have moral authority when one behaves immorally? One of the questions at the beginning was, do you say one thing, but then do another. We can’t make a difference in the world, if we’re not different than the world. All this states the obvious, but as individuals it may be time to take inventory of ourselves. Where are we, really?

One Our Biggest Compromises

   Perhaps, one of the biggest comprises is the failure to love others well. The lack of love jeopardizes relationships at every level. Here’s a simple example: broken relationships are the result of selfishness, pure and simple. The most solid relationships are the ones in which love is in the center. That means God is centerstage, because He is Love!

   If people in the world cannot experience the love of Jesus through us, how could we possibly introduce them to Him? People are desperate for love, but they’ll never find it through someone who merely says he’s a Christian, yet fails to love. He’s more interested in looking righteous than actually being righteous. Some, get down right mean and all judgmental of others. Self-righteous people do not love others well. In fact, by eliminating love, you eliminate true righteousness.  

   Even Christian homes suffer when its members don’t practice what they preach. Please explain discord among family members if this is not true. If love is truly present, wouldn’t offense and unforgiveness be lacking? Love takes genuine concern for others’ well-being. It makes no room for pettiness. Be sure to check out 1 Corinthians 13, and read how love works.

   What did Jesus command us?

   John 15:12 This is My commandment, that you love one another, just as I have loved you.

   What does love look like? Jesus. By failing to love as God loved us, we fail to be relevant in a crazy messed up world!

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