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The Art Of Rest And Conflicts Of Interest

And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God.

(Romans 12:2, KJV)  Walking with peace of mind entails listening to the right Voice, and shutting out the wrong ones.  It includes getting rid of conflicts of interest.  If we want our minds filled with the things of God, we need to focus on the things of God.  One reason people struggle with wrong thoughts is that they are inputting impure data.  They are reading, watching, and listening to things that are contrary to the Word of God.  In simple terms, “garbage in, garbage out.”  Eliminating or at least greatly reducing the conflict of interest that arises from wanting to think on the things of God, yet continuing to have carnal thoughts may be as simple as shutting off the T.V. or radio.  Sometimes it is a matter of readjusting the company we keep, or steering clear of conversations in which we have no business being involved.  Get rid of input-compromise, and renew the mind by reading the Word of God more.  Spend more time in the presence of God.

This leads to another important aspect of rest: being still and listening to the Lord.  Soaking in His presence and allowing His peace to wash over you is a state of rest like no other.  His voice will indeed not only calm the mind, but your entire being (spirit, soul, body, emotions, etc.).  Even your strength will be restored; after all, He is our Strength.  One of the stresses people can have is not knowing what to do, or having indecision.  Some have indecision because of the fear of making the wrong decision.  This can be quickly resolved by asking the Lord for direction and listening to what He says.  James 1:5 says, “If any of you lack wisdom, let him ask of God, that giveth to all men liberally, and upbraideth not; and it shall be given him” (KJV).  Take a deep breath, let it go, and receive from God!

Not being stressed out in a stressful situation is actually okay.  In fact, it is more than okay; it is preferred.  Being responsible in any given circumstances does not require worry, which is a form of fear.  The best condition to have is peace, when dealing with any given situation.  Let God’s peace rule in your heart, and you will have a mind that will be free to think clearly.  As you walk in peace, you will be in a better position to listen to His voice and follow His promptings.  In this, you have right decisions before you, and guess what, you will be practicing the art of rest.

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