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The Art of Worship

By June 14, 2010No Comments

1Samuel 6:14,16 And David danced before the Lord with all his might . . . Michal Saul’s daughter looked through the window, and saw king David leaping and dancing before the Lord (emphasis added, KJV).

Worship is not the dos and don’ts; the heart of worship is found in love and the fear of the Lord. As soon as people focus on the dos and the don’ts, they lose sight of what worship is. When they do not think they are worshiping, they’re not because they have lost their focus; God. When they are caught up with what with what they think worship should look like, they lose sight of God. Worship should flow out of a heart of love, with the dignity that comes with the fear of the Lord; yet, with the freedom of a child who will dance before his Lord without the worry of how it looks. Just as the text emphasized David dancing before the Lord, our worship is to be before the Lord as well –not people. As the saying goes: “it is before the audience of One!”

Worship should flow from the heart in the power of the Holy Spirit; for, we worship in Spirit and Truth. Just as we serve with our spirit (Romans 1:9), we worship with our spirit, which in turn flows into the soul and manifests in the body. Freedom of worship comes when we stop thinking about worship in of itself –worshiping for the sake of worship alone. Nevertheless, our minds must focus on Him Who we worship. It is not a haphazard thing in that we do focus on Him and His attributes.

Revelation lends itself to worship. When the Father reveals Himself to us, worship will ensue. Ask Him to show Himself to you: “Show me You, please!” Worship is not based upon emotionalism; nevertheless, it will cause us to have an emotional experience. When one can offer up the sacrifice of praise out of a heart of worship, even when feeling “dry,” the tears may follow to fill up the desert with water!