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The Importance Of The Blood (Part Two)

By December 25, 2011No Comments

It is written that, “Love covers a multitude of sins”(1Peter 4:8). The Blood not only covers our sins, it removes our sins and places us in a place of remission. Remission is a place of no sin. Therefore, the Blood of Jesus Christ is a Symbol of God’s love. Without the Blood, we could not fully experience or appreciate the Love of God. “God commendeth (displayed) His Love toward us, in that, while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us” (Romans 5:8). The Blood of Jesus is pure because He is pure. As the Son of man Who represents us to God, Jesus walked with a pure heart, without sin (see Hebrews 2:1-18; 4:14-16). His Blood covers us; hence, our life is hidden in Him, and it courses through a clean heart which is found in the New Man.

Because Jesus was not and is not conscious of sin, we may also be free from being conscious of sin. We are free to walk with a pure a mind, as we have been given the mind of Christ (see 1Corinthians 2:16). Though under the Law of Moses, the sacrifice of animals sanctified the flesh, it did not cleanse the conscience (see Hebrews 9:1-15). Only the Blood of Jesus can do that!

The Blood of Jesus is eternal by nature. The source is eternal; therefore, the Blood gives us eternal life. At some point in time, the heart of man will cease beating. The heart of God will never cease, nor will the heart of the sons and daughters of God, because they have a new heart given by the Eternal Spirit. The new birth is eternal by nature; therefore, everything involved with it is eternal by nature. While the blood of man turns stagnate brown, the Blood of Jesus remains crimson red. While the blood of man will cease to flow, the Blood of Jesus will flow for all eternity.

There is no sin greater than the Blood. Other than the blasphemy of the Holy Spirit, in the truest sense, there is no sin that cannot be cleansed by the Blood. Because of pride, there are those who refuse to receive this precious Gift. However, if a person will humble himself or herself in the sight of the Lord, he or she will be able to receive it, and will be able to enter into a relationship with a loving, heavenly Father.