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The Nature of God: Part One (Introduction)

By September 17, 2017No Comments

If you don’t know God or anything about His true nature, you will have a most difficult time understanding yourself.  If you have skewed beliefs about Him, your ideas about yourself will also be skewed.  Why?  Simply because we are made in His image (see Genesis 1:26-31).  There’s a lot of talk about self-image and loads of self-help books out there to help people become better versions of themselves.  Many of them talk about changing the way we think, which in turn, leads to self-improvement.  There are books written by believers that have shared insights which the Lord revealed to the authors.  That common thread that runs through numerous books is very valid: we must change the way we think in order to become better versions of ourselves.  Even the Bible makes that very clear.  Romans 12:2 And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, so that you may prove what the will of God is, that which is good and acceptable and perfect.

Lately, there’s been much emphasis placed on our identity, and rightfully so; however, to walk in our true identity, we need a true understanding of God’s very nature.  The goal is to gain His understanding.  It is time to get rid of human opinion, doctrines of demons and living by hearsay.  What does God actually reveal to us in Scripture, and how is He trying to reveal Himself to you on a personal level?  When you read your Bible, ask Him to reveal Himself to you in the way He intended you to know Him.  It would be helpful to actually read your Bible.  That sounds like a given, but you may be surprised at how many think reading books with verses of Scripture in them is the same thing as getting into the Word.  Moreover, a number only get into the Bible at church on Sundays.  As a suggestion for you who read a lot of books, let go of them for a season and only read the Bible.  Ask the Lord to what you should read and to what you should listen.  He may have you read or listen to particular things, or forego them.  Whatever He leads you to do, do that.  A key to hearing what He may say to you is being willing to receive what He has to say to you.  Stay open!  Lord willing, we will begin to examine God’s nature in detail next time.  This is something that could be studied for all eternity, so we’ll leave the length of this series in His hands.