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The Power Of Fellowship

By July 13, 2010No Comments

Hebrews 10:25 Not forsaking the assembling of ourselves together, as the manner of some is; but exhorting one another: and so much the more, as ye see the day approaching (emphasis added, KJV).

When the Body of Christ is joined together in the unity of the Spirit, the gifts placed in each individual are allowed to flourish.  They are intended to benefit others, in and out of the Body.  It is in the Body where the gifts are able to exhort and encourage.  They stir up other members of the Body because of their use in that they bring to remembrance those gifts that were imparted to them.  When one person sees another person using his or her gift for the Lord, it stirs the gift within him.  When we see someone serving others as unto the Lord, the servant inside each of us rises up with the desire to serve as well.

This has nothing to do with competition.  The desire to serve or to use one’s gifts is not based upon jealousy or envy.  Rather, it is the sign of a healthy Body operating, as it should, with each part working in harmony with the next.  Each part of the Body doing its part in order to complete the whole.  It is the hands working with the feet in conjunction with the eyes.  It’s the heart that circulates the blood, which enables the eyes, hands, and feet to function.  Each part of the Body is glad for the other.  In the Body of Christ, each of us should be thrilled when a brother or a sister is used of God.  We should be glad for them, and we should rejoice when other ministries flourish.  This is called, “Kingdom minded.”  We must recognize that the Kingdom is not made up of one, but many.  Therefore, we should be encouraging and exhorting one another to use the gifts given by God as the Lord leads.

When people isolate themselves, they bring themselves into a place of stagnation.  Granted, there are those times that the Lord may bring us into seasons of isolation, but that is completely different.  We all need alone time with the Father, but we are not called to stay alone.  Gifts are meant to be used to benefit others –they are meant to flow.  Water gets stagnate when it does not circulate.  Likewise, there is stagnation when a gift is not allowed to flow.  Isolated people tend to feel stagnate or dead, especially after taking themselves out of fellowship with others.  It is amazing to watch people come alive when they return to the Body

Jesus said, “Freely you have received, freely give.”  We are to give of what we are given.  The funny thing about giving is that it opens up more room to receive, and in turn be filled up with more to give.  The gifts enlarge as they are used.  If we are faithful with little, God will be able to use us even more.  The more we filled we are, the more we are able to pour into the lives of others.  However, in order to pour into the lives of others, we have to be in the lives of others!  In order for others to pour into our lives, we must allow ourselves to be in position to receive from them.  In this, we grow together and there is power.